Universal Myth plugin pack - can it be done?

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Post by Phex »

Good Idea. Image

The only critical matter is that the things you mention here are all total conversions, not 'regular' plugins. I agree to you that a 'General Setting'-seperation makes sense, but I would add a Regular plugin caste to the list that contains all plugins for regual Myth like the PRASP maps and maybe some more.
I would also add a Fun category for plugins like 'Leggo', 'Clue' etc.

Assuming that this seperation makes sense, we would have the following categories:

1) Fantasy/Medieval
2) Recent History
3) Modern/Future
4) Classic/Regular
5) Fun/Humor

Maybe a seperate WWII caste would be better because there are so many WWII maps.
Against the background of this classification I would not devide into 'coop' and 'ffa' categories anymore, as many plugins can be used for both.

- Phex.
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Post by The Elfoid »

PRASP maps don't get played by anyone, except in MWC or when I do Chimera with GG.

Re-releasing them in one pack would be nice, or releasing them with some new versions like you did when Magma released the Myth II maps onto TFL. Remember all those years ago?

I wasn't around back then but I know many people loved those alternate maps and wished they got ported to SB. As a side note, I might ask permission to do this myself (!), but I have made far to many empty promises for this to be trusted.
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Post by Phex »

:?: Is nobody interested in this anymore?
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Post by Industry »

I'm interested still, what the heck does PRASP stand for?
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Post by lerabu »

Pretty Robert Asked Some Pie? :D
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Post by Orlando the Axe »

Post Released And Self Published or something
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Post by Industry »

Aren't all plugins PRASP then?
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Post by Phex »

PRASP: As far as I know, all maps that were released by bungie after Myth II came out are PRASP maps ("Post Released And Self Published", as Orlando said). This includes following plugins:

- Boil and Bubble
- Leagues from Nowhere
- Phoenix Rising
- Gothic
- Going to Town
- Cryptic Wightings

There may be more, but these are the ones I can remember. Additionally, I am not sure if Gothic, Cryptic Wightings and Going to Town have officially been released, but they exist though.

- Phex.
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Post by sillek »

Since we are on the subject, I have a question. In the Loathing docs under terrain types, there is a screenshot of the viewer with terrains activated. The window header says "Melanguela." Was this a completed/released map, or is it just a fake one that they used in the manuals creation ?
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Post by Phex »

progress so far?
1) Fantasy/Medieval
2) Recent History
3) Modern/Future
4) Classic/Regular
5) Fun/Humor
( 6) WW2 ) ???

Since nobody seems to have anything against these 5 (6) categories, I tried to make a list of all plugins that could fit into 4) Classic/Regular. I collected all plugins made by bungie and other "professional" groups/authors like Vista, Creation, etc.

On the left side are all of the plugin's names, on the right side are the 'file names' of the plugins. A "?" means that I have heard of the map, but I dont know the plugin or that I know the map but dont have it myself anymore. The map might also be part of another plugin already listed but I am not aware of it.
EDIT: Made the table more lucid. Put a c in front of _pure_ coop maps. Added "The Barrens".

? Creep on the Borderlands
* Caer Cadarn (Caer_Cadarn)
? Shuffle off this Mortal Coil
? Barbarian Valley T.E.
* Phoenix Rising (Phoenix Rising)
? The Barrens Venice
* Fosgarach Ruillick 2 (Fosgarach_Ruillick_v2)
* Krakatoa (Krakatoa v1.3)
? Rank and Defiled
* The Great Divide (The Great Divide v1.0)
X Calm Before the Storm (already part of Thaw Before the Storm)
* Thaw Before the Storm (thaw)
? Tamaerlin
? Acts of Piety
* Lichen Unto Death (Lichen_Final)
* Hvergelmir (Hvergelmir v1.4)
* Smells Like Death In Here (Smells_1.1G )
* Dun Caric (Dun_Caric)
* Boil and Bubble (boilandbubble)
* To Kill a Mockingbird (mockingbird_v1.0)
* Sleepy Hollow (sleepyho)
* Gothic (Gothic v1)
? Tallow Abbey
X Cryptic Wightings (already part of Gothic)
* Leagues from Nowhere (Leagues from Nowhere)
? The Grass Between Your Teeth
* Green Acres (GreenAcres)
? Who's Your Daddy?
? Run Home & Cry To Momma!
* Myopia (Myopia_v1.2)
? Wasteland
? Ashes to Ashes
* Mjilaphobia (Mjila)
* Morte Della Luna (Morte Della Luna 1.0)
* Gravediggers (GraveDiggers)
* A Shattered Visage (A Shattered Visage)
* Going to Town (Going_to_Town)
*c TFL Solos (Magma - The Fallen Levels v2)
* TFL Multis (Magma TFL Multipack)
*c Group of Coops 2 (Group of Coops#2)
* Eyrie (Eyrie)
* Frostbite (Frostbite)
*c Under Myrkidian Standards (UMS v1.0)
*c Throne of the Lich King (Throne of the Lich King)
*c Dol Baran 2 (Magma - Dol Baran v2.0)
*c 5 Legends (Magma - Five Legends SB, Magma - Five Legends TFL)
*c Scourge of Belial (Magma - Scourge of Belial)
* Till the Morning's End (Till the Morning's End v1.2)
* The Barrens (The Barrens 1.2)

I am sure, somebody has something against the list, so I hope some more people will try to interact here! :;):

- Phex.


I do not know such a map....
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Orlando the Axe
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Post by Orlando the Axe »

List looks good to me, may want to seperate out the solo/co-op maps into their own pack though.

- Gothic
- Going to Town
- Cryptic Wightings
These maps were released through a special preorder deal with EB when myth first came out I believe. They were made by Bungie but not technically PRASP since they were released at the same time as the game (not post release) and published by EB (not self-published). Also aren't gothic and wightings the same map with different units? Actually I'm not even positive that's what PRASP stands for, it's just what vaguely remember as it standing for.
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Post by dangerella »

You ever wonder if anyone cares that you take their work and combine it with other peoples work after doing what you want with it? That list includes a lot of work by alot of different people and assuming it's okee to just change things around plaster them in with other things seems a bit wrong. I think people are going to be mad. You probably don't care.
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Post by Phex »

dangerella wrote:You ever wonder if anyone cares that you take their work and combine it with other peoples work after doing what you want with it? (...) I think people are going to be mad. (...)

I do not understand your concerns. All plugins are ment to be packed together in one big zip-file. Nobody said that anything will be altered - not a single byte, not even the plugins' names. I am not a member of project magma, nor am I some kind of decision maker, but I think if something like this will be released, a readme containing all the original authors is quite natural (although there were no readmes at all for some of the plugins i downloaded and i dont know who did them).
The idea is (as far as I know) to collect a few good plugins and make them available in one easy download. Today, most people do not even try to download classic plugins like PRASP maps because they know that nobody will have them online. With a one-download-all-maps-file, more people are able to get a lot of the good old classic maps without too much effort. The original ones, without any change!
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Post by dangerella »

If you hadn't noticed, the name of this thread is "Universal Myth plugin pack" which would appear to mean "one plugin including a set of Universal maps".

You're still repackaging other peoples work and allowing it for download differently than how they produced it themselves. From the way you're talking and downloading things, you're doing it already. If you do not have files that have readme's and the original author's you shouldn't include it, or you're not getting original versions of archives. You're just grabbing things wherever you can and calling it good enough. Or it appears as such.

What about if something needs updated? Or the original mapmaker would decide to update something for some reason? Or any of the other myriad things that likely would be effected. Your big assed archives would be out of date then also. Things change and small downloads are more functional to deal with than 1 big forced download. Don't make people download things they don't want just to get 1 or two things they may want. I also read on playmyth that Myth3 is getting or has gotten content download for it's next update. Why not just add that to myth2 and then people can get anything tehy want easy and none of this matters at all.
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Post by igmo »

nice list phex... and good concearns dangrella.

as far as re-issuing peoples plugins goes... i think the assumption here is that there is one large zip with multiple folders inside that are the original release files of the authors, with readme's and whatever. that is a slight invaision of the original author's rights, since he/she/it may not want their work associated with others.

one thing i always thought might be useful is a compilation of links of only good maps in a simple interface... so i made one. it has similar issues regarding the owner's rights, but the same taint is present at mythforums and any site that hosts plugs.


i will contact with mythforums and playmyth.net to make sure linking to them is not a problem. i will also ask that pm.net include that html in their pure maps description.

it would be nice to make additional pages on the many good maps that are not on the list... (which i may make if another boring day comes around.) many would also find a ww2 page like that handy... (which i am not prepared to make, since i don't play ww2.)
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