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Re: Anyone beat this plugin yet?

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 12:20 am
by Zaknafein
Cool, if you can upload some of those films I'd appreciate it

Re: Anyone beat this plugin yet?

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 12:25 am
by kingthrall
Zaknafein wrote:Cool, if you can upload some of those films I'd appreciate it
sure man, ill get mc and sasper to play some and upload them. I dont usually save replays unless its mwc/tws.

Re: Anyone beat this plugin yet?

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 12:37 am
by Pyro
You could use the preference option Autosave Films so you don't forget to save them. That option works for online only (multiplayer/coop).

Re: Anyone beat this plugin yet?

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 12:11 pm
by Zaknafein
anyone else play this plugin yet?

Re: Anyone beat this plugin yet?

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:03 pm
by Olong
Downloaded and played for about 35 minutes, til I couldn't stand it any longer. Found it redundant, poorly hacked-together, no read me, no credits to original authors that I could find, no cohesion, chaotic, ill-coordinated.

Circular file.

Re: Anyone beat this plugin yet?

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:50 pm
by Baak
Olong wrote:Downloaded and played for about 35 minutes, til I couldn't stand it any longer. Found it redundant, poorly hacked-together, no read me, no credits to original authors that I could find, no cohesion, chaotic, ill-coordinated.

Circular file.
Other than that, he loved it. :wink:

Re: Anyone beat this plugin yet?

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 3:35 pm
by Zaknafein
Olong wrote:Downloaded and played for about 35 minutes, til I couldn't stand it any longer. Found it redundant, poorly hacked-together, no read me, no credits to original authors that I could find, no cohesion, chaotic, ill-coordinated.

Circular file.
well that was exactly what I was going for, I will consider this a success, however you are incorrect it is not a circular file

it is an amazing cooperative plugin pack for only the hardiest of adventurers

Re: Anyone beat this plugin yet?

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 12:17 pm
by Olong2
Zaknafein wrote:I will consider this a success, however you are incorrect it is not a circular file it is an amazing cooperative plugin pack for only the hardiest of adventurers
Three things:

1 - I had to create a new account (I was formerly "Olong")

2 - If you consider abject failure "success" in your world of non-reality, then you are quite the success, indeed: A messy assemblage of robbed maps, thoughtlessly placed units, utter disregard for the original creators = FAIL. As I said before, if you want to see what a REAL conversion of third party maps looks like, please see "Sir Mauriac's Tale". That's how REAL people and REAL Mythers create conversions.

3 - "Only the hardiest of adventurers". Really? Um, no. This is the blanket excuse that's always, always, always given by people who cannot actually create and/or design gaming experiences. "It's really hard! I made it that way! That's the idea!" TRANSLATION: I have very little imagination, therefore I shall place lots of units randonly (someone else's, by the way) and it'll be really, really cool! SUGGESTION: Keep your day job, Zaknafein, because "amazing" your work isn't.

4 - Apparently with all the time you've saved by never crediting the original authors whom you've cannibalized, you never bothered to investigate the term "Circular File". This is not some techie/Linux term, Zaknafein, it means "Garbage Can"...and always has. Most rubbish bins have a circular or vaguely elliptical opening on top. Hence. to put something in the "Circular File" means to throw it away, as one would do with old coffee grounds, orange peels, and many-holed socks. In the case of your horrible plug-in, the Circular File is a fitting and appropriate end.

5 - Did I say "Three Things"? Silly me: Five.

Re: Anyone beat this plugin yet?

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 3:49 pm
by Pyro
Olong2 wrote:I had to create a new account (I was formerly "Olong")
You could contact an admin and get your original account worked out (whatever the problem may have been) I would imagine.

Re: Anyone beat this plugin yet?

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 2:55 pm
by Zaknafein
Olong2 wrote:
Zaknafein wrote:I will consider this a success, however you are incorrect it is not a circular file it is an amazing cooperative plugin pack for only the hardiest of adventurers
Three things:

1 - I had to create a new account (I was formerly "Olong")

2 - If you consider abject failure "success" in your world of non-reality, then you are quite the success, indeed: A messy assemblage of robbed maps, thoughtlessly placed units, utter disregard for the original creators = FAIL. As I said before, if you want to see what a REAL conversion of third party maps looks like, please see "Sir Mauriac's Tale". That's how REAL people and REAL Mythers create conversions.

3 - "Only the hardiest of adventurers". Really? Um, no. This is the blanket excuse that's always, always, always given by people who cannot actually create and/or design gaming experiences. "It's really hard! I made it that way! That's the idea!" TRANSLATION: I have very little imagination, therefore I shall place lots of units randonly (someone else's, by the way) and it'll be really, really cool! SUGGESTION: Keep your day job, Zaknafein, because "amazing" your work isn't.

4 - Apparently with all the time you've saved by never crediting the original authors whom you've cannibalized, you never bothered to investigate the term "Circular File". This is not some techie/Linux term, Zaknafein, it means "Garbage Can"...and always has. Most rubbish bins have a circular or vaguely elliptical opening on top. Hence. to put something in the "Circular File" means to throw it away, as one would do with old coffee grounds, orange peels, and many-holed socks. In the case of your horrible plug-in, the Circular File is a fitting and appropriate end.

5 - Did I say "Three Things"? Silly me: Five.

I think someone is a bit jealous lol

My work is an amazing expansion pack of an admittedly already awesome game, Myth II Soulblighter.

My unit placement was not random ser, clearly you just are too inexperienced in the ways of mapmaking to understand why I placed units the way I did. Also I know what a circular file is, and that opinion is yours. For example, some people think Mauriac's tale is a circular file.

I also gave credit to ALL of the authors who helped me on this project, but you have to look really hard to find it, like all people who place their credits creatively. Kind of like when you look at the great library you see pictures of people.

Obviously you are some internet troll who created this account purely to harass me and give my plugins poor rankings. My plugin may be messy but if you look at brilliant minds throughout history you will notice that they were also fairly untidy, because they look at the big picture my friend. I noticed you spelled "randomly" as "randonly", I find that your post is rather sloppy.

If we must discuss imagination, I would love to see some of your work "Olong2". Unfortunately I think you are better suited in the peanut gallery, not creating amazing worlds through which hardy adventurers might travel.

Re: Anyone beat this plugin yet?

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 12:24 pm
by Olong2
Zaknafein wrote:My work is an amazing expansion pack...brilliant minds...amazing worlds...
Not sure I have anything further to add to the conversation, Zaknafein, as it's obvious you're not playing with a full deck. Furthermore, a person who has no problem calling THEMSELVES "brilliant" and "amazing" has serious issues that cloud any reasonable discourse.

But, you keep on haphazardly bastardizing the hard work of others, afterward labeling yourself "brilliant" and "amazing" for doing so...and thinking yourself a genius for hiding credits in Easter Eggs.


FYI, Zaknafein, it's been my experience that it's always better to allow OTHERS to label you "brilliant" and "amazing"...because nothing says "disturbed" and/or "Narcissist" like gratuitously applying these labels yourself.

And if you must know, I created my account here for two reasons: To upload "Chimera Trees" for the remaining community; to praise Jon God's superb work in his texture ventures. But then I happened to see your post, and, well, the rest is history.

As for my own work: Let's just say that I'm comfortable in having had my work recognized internationally. Enough said.

Now, dear Zaknafein, if you'd like to take the "Sir Mauriac" plug-in as an example of how to create good work with third party maps, perform due diligence with credits, construct a viable narrative, and assemble a paced, structured gaming experience, perhaps you can move from where you are (complete mediocrity) to something more constructive. It's probably within your grasp. You certainly seem to have

Re: Anyone beat this plugin yet?

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 5:34 pm
by Graydon
This is quite a laugh and all.... but Olong, if you're going to challenge Zak, you should challenge him to create some of his own work. Nothing taken from anywhere, all built from the ground up. See what he can really do on his own you know?

Re: Anyone beat this plugin yet?

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 6:50 am
by vinylrake
Zak made the (as far as I know *original*) "Remnants of Harrenhall" map which is a pretty solid map, and I guess it's possible that it was based on some obscure map I've never seen, but I always thought it was an original map Zak created. It's a few years old, so if he's has been honing his skills in the meantime I am sure he's capable of even better quality maps, but this is a decent map and if it is original I'd say it definitely proves Zak has the chops to make maps from scratch.

Re: Anyone beat this plugin yet?

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 9:18 pm
by Zaknafein
So has anyone beat this campaign yet?

Re: Anyone beat this plugin yet?

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 9:37 am
by dac
Olong2 wrote:That's how REAL people and REAL Mythers create conversions.
As for my own work: Let's just say that I'm comfortable in having had my work recognized internationally. Enough said.
Oooooh we've found the 73rd world famous rich and powerful myther! Godcops's billion dollar entourage will send you the welcome to the club paperwork. Can you post it for all of us to see? I've heard so many wonderful things!