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Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 12:36 pm
by The Elfoid
Doobie you suck.

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 1:49 pm
by pompey
Alright, still psyched.

Didn't notice this at first, but has anyone else gotten a good look at the wispy black demon thing on the screen during woof's teaser? Horus pointed out to me that its the same model as Cartucke from Chimera... any thoughts on its role in Mazz 6? Wraith-like? As the teaser opens, it looks like the thing is drawing a similar effect to an electromancer missile into itself. Perhaps it drains mana or hp?

*sigh* Alright, retreating back to my den.

By the way, druik, how far has your team gotten in Mazz V? I think yours and mine are the most public and/or dedicated small teams to attempt the map, so I'm just curious.

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 9:16 pm
by Grignard
pompey wrote:Alright, still psyched.

Didn't notice this at first, but has anyone else gotten a good look at the wispy black demon thing on the screen during woof's teaser? Horus pointed out to me that its the same model as Cartucke from Chimera... any thoughts on its role in Mazz 6? Wraith-like? As the teaser opens, it looks like the thing is drawing a similar effect to an electromancer missile into itself. Perhaps it drains mana or hp?

you'll wish that's all it did...

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 10:55 pm
by druik
We have gotten the watcher down to about 15% health on normal, just with 4 of us...

Also this group (us 4, may have some reinforcements on the way though), we have two people (myself included) who had never played Maz before last July (we all played myth at one time or another though) and none of us had played myth for some time (I wanna say two years?) before that so we are just now getting warmed up so the speak.

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 9:55 pm
by Cobalt 7
Gah the anticipation is killing me!

Will Mazz 6 be frustrating in a bad way? Or is it only extremely frustating on Heroic and Legendary? As a more casual player reports of Mazz 6 have me almost terrified in some sense.

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 4:29 pm
by ChrisP
Um... even Timid is as frustrating as Heroic or Legendary. I'm not kidding either. :twisted:

Really, it depends on how you look at it though. Yes, it is super hard. So hard that testers, with all the inside information, all the practice and planning, consistently lose night after night, month after month. BUT after every defeat, every tester seems to agree, it can and will be beaten. No one gives up. And therein lies the magic.

It's child's play to make a super hard or impossible map (20 trow rush vs a handful of archers mb?) but Mazz 6 has been tweaked for nearly 50 betas to be super hard, and at the same time, to not feel frustrating. The units you get are such badasses that it's hard to concieve skilled players can lose - until they get whittled down, inch by inch.

Winning will take a lot of practice and supreme team work, but the effect that's been strived for is to get players to jump out of their chairs and shout when they finally achieve a proud victory. I know I will.

The real frustration, I'm afraid, won't be with the map, but with other players. As much as I hate it, I've seen testers, all of whom are close friends on Myth, get very mad at each other while playing. The only thing that makes Mazz 6 harder than previous incarnations is it requires ten times the teamwork. I dread what will happen in unfriendly pick-up games on PMnet.

To mitigate this effect, a Guide will be included with the plugin. It describes in detail how all the player units work, and though it's very long, anyone who reads it won't be a total noob, even if they've never played Mazzarin's Demise before.

In addition, options have been added to make it more user-friendly. For instance, small teams can take it on with the same challenge level as big teams, and if you choose, the scripting will even smartly auto-distribute the units (with over two dozen different possible permutations depending on what works best for the given number of players on a given difficulty setting) taking a lot of burden off the captain.

But enough spoilers, the release is only days away.

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 5:51 pm
by The Elfoid
The whole 'less players can play it in a way designed for them' thing is what I rekon'll be coolest. Is it gonna have a tailor made solo version too?

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 7:21 pm
by Oroboros
The Elfoid wrote:The whole 'less players can play it in a way designed for them' thing is what I rekon'll be coolest. Is it gonna have a tailor made solo version too?
CP's done something ingenious along those lines, Elf. Wait and see.

Heh, something I didn't know until late in the piece: Mazz VI probably smashes records for the number of people involved in the making of a plugin. This plug reeks of quality. It's the only plug I know that has music from 4 different composers, three of which are Myth players.


Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 10:13 pm
by Cobalt 7
Gah! Stop spoiling!

To tell the truth, even though I never play as any of the spell casters, my favourite part of Mazz V had to be the badass dreams that they worked up....The Blade Storm, the Concussion missle, the Lightning web, the Hell's like a dream come true. Just throw in that Earthquake spell from the 9vs TFL and I'm in heaven.

My only problem was just how complicated using some of them was. I still get confused by the whole distance thing with Mazzarin close click- far click.

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 7:08 am
by :) Da Cid (: McCl
I wonder how many spells have been added since the last beta I played...


Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 12:59 pm
by Lugas
ChrisP wrote: But enough spoilers, the release is only days away.
Oh my god! We're all going to die!

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 4:22 pm
by Oroboros
Lugas wrote: Oh my god! We're all going to die!
Yes. Repeatedly.


Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 5:20 pm
by Cobalt 7
Of course that won't stop us from clammering for someone to create a game of it. :)

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 7:48 pm
by shinco
I quit playing Mazz after... I forget which one. Maybe 3? (one released with 1.4 in 2004)

After noticing that I played literally 5 hours a day for like a week, I needed to stop haha.

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 10:08 pm
by Wismuth
druik wrote:We have gotten the watcher down to about 15% health on normal, just with 4 of us...
4 of you? Apparently woof has beaten Mazz V normal solo.

Have you tried playing Mazz V legendary with a small group? It's a survival game: you try to do as much damage as you can before it's game over. The records as far as I know are:

solo: 9353 dmg (Wismuth)
duo: 19990 dmg (Wismuth+Mate)
trio: 30457 dmg (Wismuth+Mate+Gabba)

For comparison, a typical legendary win is around 43000 dmg.

In solo, F1 isn't allowed, and I recommend that you play on pmnet to disable the key. URzooked has the silver medal for leg solo with 7431 dmg, if you want to try to beat that instead.

Maybe woof can confirm his normal win and say whether he used F1? (I'd like to get that film btw).