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Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2004 11:47 pm
by Rubba
Situation: Imported a map, created string list, set mesh to new (imported) maplevel. Confirming the level works.

Problem: Once the game commences, the OH map does not appear and I recieve the following message:

"### overhead map preprocessing failed"

I set the OH Map in the Collections section to the new level(Fear\Meshes\Maplevel\Collections
ew level) .. I left Pregame and Postgame with no tag since at this point I really don't feel its necessary.

Question: Can u clue me in on what I missed or what I need to do to get the OH map working?


Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2004 12:24 am
[color=DFC99B]You used Amber or Jade to make the OH ?? Fear funks it up somehow, dontut recall the details, just know after I was warned / told, I never used Fear to make an OH again.

Also, am I reading this right, but your did link an OH to the map in the Mesh file ?? ie Mesh >> Collections >> Overhead Map[/color]

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2004 3:53 am
by Rubba
Also, am I reading this right, but your did link an OH to the map in the Mesh file ?? ie Mesh >> Collections >> Overhead Map

Yes G, that is correct ... but N00b me would not doubt that in the course of "trying" I messed up along the line ... then again .. since u r kindly adding input to how Fear "funks" it up ... hrmmmmm ... more 2 think abt.

Thanks again

Posted: Tue May 04, 2004 5:11 pm
by mauglir
Perhaps you are thinking Myth automatically generates an overhead by just resizing your colormap? Myth cannot do this. You need to create your overhead yourself:

Open your cmap in photoshop and resize the image to an appropriate size (128 x 128 is good for square maps), then set the mode to indexed color and save it as a bitmap file. Use Jade to convert the bitmap into a collection, place the collection in its proper place in your local folder and then use Fear to set your mesh tag to use the collection you just made for the overhead.