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by Battlewagon
Thu Feb 09, 2017 9:55 am
Forum: Map Making Support
Topic: Sound Problems After Importing Imto Fear
Replies: 8
Views: 28323

Re: Sound Problems After Importing Imto Fear

Hey guys sorry for the late response....I haven't been on lately...

I currently have the latest version of fear 1.8. But I can try downloading a 1.7.2 version and see if it works. Thanks :)
by Battlewagon
Mon Jun 27, 2016 2:12 pm
Forum: Map Making Support
Topic: Sound Problems After Importing Imto Fear
Replies: 8
Views: 28323

Sound Problems After Importing Imto Fear

Hey guys, Recently I've begun to experiment with sounds in Myth 2. Using audacity, I've been able to create a decent iTunes sound file and successfully imported it into Fear. However, once it has been imported, it is slowed down by and incredible margin. To the point were the main menu music (I was ...