Myth I Updates
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- 5.00 - Sir Mauriac's Tale
- 5.00 - Around the Bend TFL
- 5.00 - Myth: The Fallen Lords Strategy Guide
- 5.00 - Torpidinium
- 4.75 - TFL Gameplay Analysis
- 4.00 - Myth TFL 1.5 (PC)
- 4.00 - Myth: The Fallen Lords Italian Manual
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- 4300 - Sir Mauriac's Tale
- 3753 - Dark Campaign TFL (Co-op)
- 3326 - WWII Solos
- 3097 - Ghôl Rugby
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- 2988 - Mazzarin's / Demise on the Plains
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Latest Items (1 - 15) for Myth I
Balor Warz
Item description taken from The Mill. This was not made with Fear OR Loathing it was made with: Bartók, MONS Edit, and Textura by David Shere Put it in your plugin file for myth 1.3 and enjoy!
Solo campaign for Myth TFL featuring music and advanced AI scripting.
Thoran's "Forged North"
I had nothing to do with this plug-in. Simply releasing it for the community at large. Thoran (Todd Huffman) is a legend in the Myth community. He started making stuff for TFL before decent editing tools existed, with most of it never seen. With the …
Myth: The Fallen Lords Italian Manual
There you are...directly from a 90's box; scan's quality is good, but these are old photocopies. You know, better than nothing...enjoy!
Myth TFL v1.5 All Missions No Casualties
Solo Campaign, Legendary, No Casualties! Enjoy!
Despair w/ Source (Mac Classic)
Note: Source included with approval of Kris. Despair allows you to change many aspects of the mesh, except elevation, slope, passability, etc. Most useful for adding and deleting markers. Also allows you to view a picture while editing so that you can see …
CORE Edit w/ Source (Mac Classic)
Note: Source included with approval by David. CORE Edit allows you to edit CORE (COlor REference) tags in a graphical fashion. COREs tell what color patterns to use on certain units. With CORE Edit, you can make a completely red Forest Giant or a …
CLUT Utility (Mac Classic)
CLUT Utility AKA CLUT Edit This should let you easily create very different looking units and probably many other things (including scenery). To change the colors either import a new clut into the file or double click on a color to bring up the standard …
Brimestone (Mac Classic)
Brimstone is a tag editor for Myth, similar to Fear, but was made before Fear was released by Bungie. Currently, Brimstone can view .gor files, but not save them directly. Happily, you can directly export tags in .gor files, but you'll still need Steve …
Bartok (Mac Classic)
Bartók is a utility that allows you to manage data files used by Myth™ , a video game developed by Bungie™. It can extract tagged data from within the game’s monolithic .gor files to use with a number of other editing programs, and it can combine tag …
Myth Censored Cutscenes video
Myth TFL & Myth II "censored cutscenes" ;-) youtube version video by Tireces "The Deceiver" painting by Guildenstern
Tribute to Alric - video
Fan-made video :) youtube version video by Tireces bonus comic art and "Death of Moagim" painting by Guildenstern Alric HD model "created" in Soul Calibur IV game
Tribute to Soulblighter - video
Fan-made video :) youtube version video by Tireces bonus comic art by Guildenstern Myth II promo painting by Craig Mullins Soulblighter 3D model by Alex Bobylev
Tales From MYTH TFL comic
Myth TFL Polish Strategy Guide
Myth: The Fallen Lords Strategy Guide - IN POLISH
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