Ever hear of MythConverter? It was an OS9 Application that changed the file type of any file to a myth file. This was necessary because these files wouldn't open in fear/loathing/amber. Well, this little app does the same thing. It just works in OS X.
not to rain on your parade, but if you put a myth 2-type file in a folder that myth 2 uses (i.e. plugins in plugins, preference files in preferences or tags in local subfolders) myth will automatically type it correctly (at least on os9 ). it will also not type non-myth files.
Aye, Myth Will. But if you want to use tag extractor or something, it sucks to have to open myth and load a plugin just so it's file type is changed correctly. When you could just drag and drop it.
EDIT: Sorry, misread, didn't see you were posting one. nm. Coincidently, one use I have for apps like this is working with M3 tags. I'll have to grab and try yours out.