now that tag extractor has worked and i'm screwing around with the beginning of scripting i have a few questions
A: How do I change a multi level to a "solo" level (i.e. one that i can select from the main menu to test my scripts) some of the multiplayer meshes seem like they would be good testing meshes but i'd like to change them to solos to select them, I'm assuming you use fear to do this, anybody know how?
B: I feel I have already gained a knowledge on the basic scripts (move, attack, platoon, etc.) but linking actions is hit or miss for me, I can't link actions in the "tab" formation that real scripters can right now and I think this is screwing up my scripts, any ideas on how to correct this and other scripting help?
Thanks guys, and sorry, I"m sure you get these dumb questions way too often
Simple fear and scripting stuff
Do you mean having tabs so that a script looks like:
If so then this is achieved by pressing Apple (or Alt on a PC) and either the left or right arrow to indent left and right, up and down will also allow you to move your actions up and down in the list.
This feature is only superficial, it makes it easier to organise your script and understand what you are doing, but it has no affect on how your actions link together or follow on from one another, that is achieved purely through "Activates on success" items and similar.
Also of note is that if you wish to add in comment text above or below your actions, you can achieve this by simply creating a "None" action with no settings, and entering your comment in as the name. This is also used to create spaces between blocks of actions by entering a space or clearing the name and clicking OK.[/color]
Code: Select all
TUNI Platoon 1 dead?
 CTRL Make Platoon 2 visible
  PLAT Begin Platoon 2
TUNI Platoon 2 dead?
CTRL Make Platoon 3 visible...
This feature is only superficial, it makes it easier to organise your script and understand what you are doing, but it has no affect on how your actions link together or follow on from one another, that is achieved purely through "Activates on success" items and similar.
Also of note is that if you wish to add in comment text above or below your actions, you can achieve this by simply creating a "None" action with no settings, and entering your comment in as the name. This is also used to create spaces between blocks of actions by entering a space or clearing the name and clicking OK.[/color]