Hi All,
What is the maximum status bar icon size for artifacts and items? The largest one I've extracted so far is 51 pixels wide by 20 pixels tall.
Kinda get the feeling the 20 pixels height might be a maximum but need to know the max width.
Plus, I need someone's assistance putting the final 16 images into a single collection with set of 16 names that may be as boring as "UGR icon 01" through "UGR icon 16". Haravikk has been kind enough in the past to do similar things for me in RDF, but I hate to impose...
Thanks in advance!
Maximum Status Bar Icon Size - for artifacts and items
Well, technically there isn't a limit beyond the max size of 256 x 256 for all Myth sprites. I wouldn't however recommend that size!
It really depends what you need to do, I wouldn't suggest anything higher than 20 pixels (to avoid it running amock with your flavour text), and just so long as you don't go insane with the width then it won't matter.
It really depends what you need to do, I wouldn't suggest anything higher than 20 pixels (to avoid it running amock with your flavour text), and just so long as you don't go insane with the width then it won't matter.