Should Magma make more updates?

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Should Magma make more updates?

Yes, I have a 11 page feature request list typed and ready to post.
Yes, if Myth stagnates it'll die sooner rather than later.
Depends on what new features would be added, but I guess so.
Only if I don't have to know about it until it's finished.
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Post by Horus »

I have a one hundred page list of things to add!! :P

(Well more like 25 but you get the point...)
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William Wallet
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Post by William Wallet »

Baron LeDant wrote:Frankly unless its...

1. Compatible with current patch
2. Fixing a fairly major gameplay bug.
3. Needed for new OS

..then no more patches are needed.

All the suggestions seem to be 'mapmaker' suggestions and I don't think thousands of people want to spend hours downloading (damn 56k'ers) a patch thats only added mapmaking features that they'll never use.
That's not really true at all. If you only play the stock levels and do not use vTFL ever, then of course just about everything ever put into every update is completely useless!

No, updates that add mapmaking features are warranted because they work both ways, they give us mapmakers something to do, and they facilitate the ability for people to play cool new stuff.

It's high time they gave 56k the flick anyway.

I guess certain things should be made optional. Mapmaking updates and gameplay things could maybe be seperated into different downloads so that you can pick and choose?
Though if you ask me, a button marked 'vTFL' is enough choice.

Isn't this discussion moot anyway? They're not making another update.
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Baron LeDant
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Post by Baron LeDant »

This is the classic ranked player vs unranked player debate. For a player who is more than prepared to download and try new things (more an unranked player trait) an update is cool since recent updates have allowed the use of inventory etc.

On the other hand, more often than not, there are more online players in ranked games. Considering the only 3rd party plug thats become regularly played in ranked since the updates is Axis vs Allies 2, many primarily ranked players will get (overly) upset that they would have to download an update that will not improve the game for them.

I know new mapmaking features are cool for the people who are really into this side of things, but on the other hand, there's still plenty that hasn't been explored still. I think Ba'ak summed it up nicely when he commented that myth was becoming a little stale for him, then he created RDF.

I guess this whole thing runs along the same lines as the 'Myth4' threads in the sense it doesn't need to be discussed, but when has that ever stopped anyone? :p
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Post by Baak »

Top of my list would be to fix floyn'ing problems once and for all:

There are two major floyning issues:

(1) Have a flag the host can set that says simply: "Don't Floyn Player Colors". Could be on the hosting page or even in preferences ("If hosting don't floyn").

The floyning on a PC is whacked. We constantly have games with blue vs. blue (including in MWC) and games where players get floyned when their colors are nowhere near visually similar. Often the color they get floyned to is more similar to other player colors! It's incredibly confusing and I'd love to be able to turn it off with the flick of a switch.

(2) Large unit conversion plugins that convert multiple units to the same unit (i.e. archers, dorfs, jmen all to the same xyz unit) cause a bizarre floyning of units such that you will have multiple team colors on your own team!

You end up with mostly your own color and a few units from each of the other teams! If you're a team captain you can usually get rid of the floyning by selecting all units, detaching them, and then taking them back (isn't that odd?!?) - although sometimes a couple will remain un-un-floynable. And yes, I posted this as a bug/problem many times unfortunately it's somewhat obscure but very easy to reproduce as long as you have multiple players (4+).

Neither of these change gameplay. :)
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Post by William Wallet »

Ah thanks for reminding me about ranked, Baron. I forgot completely about ranked because it has negative memory association for me. There's un-ranked, where people play to have fun, and then there's wanked - oh, whoops, RANKED! :D Everytime I set food in ranked play, it's just full of arseholes who use words like 'noob' and whatever... they don't even play vTFL. Losers!
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Post by Archer »

You should never set food in ranked, it just brings out the hungry animals.

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Post by ChrisP »

Thanks for all the input so far; hopefully more people will also respond as this is a very important poll.

This isn't necessarily just a theoretical exercise, though I would say it's drastically premature to be posting actual feature requests quite yet.
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Post by Gleep »

Well tell me when to post my 11 page request list. Until then, I will always be in favor of and support updates to myth. Computers get better, graphics get better, let's try to make Myth better accordingly.

Although there is one request I must make right now--Even though you can have 1024 projectiles in game; how can you reach it when Fear only lets you view 1024 and some of those are taken up by the built-in projectiles? I'd like the limits for the mapmaking types to be raised but Fear would need some help too.

On a side note, has anyone run into a problem where projectiles start going weird like turning black or not rendering right? I've had it happen recently and its usually in lpgrs, which are at the limit. It may tie into my bug that apparently is related to player count and color indexing. Is there a plan to raise the memory storage for indexing colors? I know on big plugs like UTB, and my map Dream of Death colors get wild and arent assigned right, and I think that its causing the crash on my map.
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Post by Baak »

Hey Gleep - you can hit the projectile limit by having things blow up that generate lots of projectiles - a simple example: 100 boulder projectiles that break into 10-20 pebble projectiles each that break into 5-10 sand projectiles each... If they don't "decay" (i.e. expire) you could have a LOT of projectiles!

I've run into the lpgr limit in UGR.

I'm wondering if the "player count and color indexing" bug you mention isn't the same or similar to the "floyn (2)" bug I mentioned above - sounds like it might be. I see it when we have lots of players.

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Post by The Elfoid »

Map-making updates should be taylor made to requests from these forums IMO, since its where 90% of the map-making interest is to be found.

NOT having it so particles stop appearing if I do 12 minutes of lmoth Float dm with 5 friends would be cool too. The gameplay breaks down when you can't see where dwarves are throwing and it gets irritating.

The Windowed Beta of Myth II, which I downloaded AFTER it was finished won't allow me to host all plugins - the maps just don't appear when I activate plug, tho I can play them. This is something I would really like to see sorted out.
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Post by William Wallet »

I know - an actual Light Vs. Dark option, so that you don't have to exploit a bug in the options screen to play coop levels as vs. levels. That would rock - Light vs Dark sucks anyway because the scripting makes the Dark team do crazy shit, but it's fun sometimes.
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Post by Phex »

Yes! New features are always tasty! I am ready to post my list! :cool:

By the way, there are already a lot of nice suggestions in this thread, so I think a lot of people are interested in updates.

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William Wallet wrote:Everytime I set food in ranked play, it's just full of arseholes who use words like 'noob' and whatever...
See, thats the problem, you forget to leave drinks and a giant bear trap under the food. :p
Seriously though...I like the idea of adding more colors...I dunno how hard it would be (I've been messing with it in Marathon, and all I end up doing is screwing over the game itself until I reset stuff back to defaults...which doesn't really help because Marathon and Myth don't use the same engine anymore do they?)
Increasing the projectile limit sounds like a good idea too...I'm an idiot and like watching projectiles, rockets, fire, lasers, and body parts fly across the screen in mass
Would there be a way to add in antiscopic filtering or FSAA (can't remember what that stands for but it smooths out 3D models nicely...)? Not really neccesarry, but just another thing that popped into my head.

Still, the main update I'd like is OS X versions of Fear and Loathing...
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Post by Gleep »

Hey Baak-I was referring to the actual number of different projectiles you can define in Fear, not the actual total number of projectiles in game.

I think the color index bug is the same as your 2nd bug.

The floyn bug is different I think. My theory is that the hue color table has to start/end somewhere(probably in the blue area), so colors near the border aren't compared to colors on the other side of that border even though they are very close hues. I know me and ChrisP end up confusing ourselves and other players when floyn doesn't switch one of our colors and they are darn close. Not sure if it is fixable, but if it is I recommend switching it to the green hues, because the human eye can see more shades of green than any other color.
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Post by capital »

Gleep wrote:the human eye can see more shades of green than any other color.
light green, dark green, drab green, olive green, bean grean, darker green, darkest green, lighter green, lightest green, boiled green, sauteed green, marinated green, fillet green, charbroiled green, baked green, poached green, candied green, carmalized green, broulez green, steamed green, simmered green, roasted green, fried green, slow-cooked green, diced green, pureed green, lime green, frappe green, mocha green, alto green, nebachanezer green, jerebaum green, frog green, camo green, yellow-green, red-green, yellow-green, pied green, gang green, forest green, pine green, plant green, its-not-easy-being green.
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