No....he isnt forgetting. What he is saying is make a new template then attach that template to the monster tag in fear. Thing is im not sure you can set the perameters of the template inside the template itself. If you can then this would be possible. I have yet to try it myself. I have made my own templates but not with preset perameters...
Whoa - my apologies, Graydon - I read that too fast and didn't latch onto the idea of ambient life scripting, etc.
Wow... so basically what you're saying is to explore the ambient life map actions (i.e. deer, chicken, ghol, etc.) and incorporate them and/or roll my own to do something at the start to make this happen.
Is that roughly what you're talking about?
I've tried everything else I can come up with to get a mons to start with an artifact that changes them until they discard it, but it doesn't appear to work. Think they never thought of having a unit outside a map do this kind of thing. Funny how one little thing like this could open up a LOT of possibilities... Sigh.
Unit Control
optional monster_identifier subj / Monsters / Monsters to affect
optional flag user / Received Use Control Flag / Received user control
optional flag igno / Ignores User Control Flag / Ignores user control
optional flag unco / Uncontrollable / Unit is uncontrollable by the player, doesn't allow player to see enemy units, and if it dies the Casualty sound won't be played.
optional flag dnat / Does Not Autotarget Flag / Monster does not automatically attack nearby enemies (default flag is FALSE)
optional flag cnba / Cannot Be Autotargeted Flag / Monster is not included in spatial groups and is not automatically targeted by enemies (default flag is FALSE)
optional flag dele / Delete Monsters / Delete these monsters (reducing units for harder difficulties)
optional flag fade / Fade Flag / Remove this monster by fading them off the map
optional flag visi / Visible Flag / Make subjects visible
optional flag invi / Invisible Flag / Make subjects invisible
optional flag moso / Monster Source Flag / Makes this marker a monster source
optional fixed hefr / Health Fraction / Sets the health fraction of the subject (0.0 to 1.0)
optional fixed rhfr / Raise Health Fraction / Raises health fraction by a specified amount.
optional fixed lhfr / Lower Health Fraction / Lowers health fraction by a specified amount.
optional integer kill / Kill Monsters / Kills the specified monsters. 0 = soft death, 1 = hard death.
optional integer nena / New Monster Name / Sets the name of the monster to the given index in the monster's name string list
optional integer expe / Experience / Sets the experience of the unit
optional integer lesu / Levels Survived / Sets the number of levels survived for a unit
optional flag moen / Use Monster Entrance Flag / Uses the monster's entrance projectile group
optional flag blam / World Knot Visibility Flag / Make this monster appear with the world knot appearance method.
optional flag tain / Tain Visibility Flag / Make this monster appear with the tain appearance method.
optional flag majk / Magic Visibility Flag / Make this monster magically invisible/visible (Ring of Invisibility)
optional flag onii / Ghost Visibility Flag / Make this monster flicker like the ghosts in the Ibis Crown.
optional world_distance heig / Set Marker Height / Adds this value (or random range) to the monster’s marker height.
optional object_identifier proj / Give Monster Artifact or Projectile / Force the subject monster to pick up the given object identifier (without walking over to it)
optional field_name swit / Switch Artifact / For units with multiple artifacts, make this the active one.
optional integer ammo / Ammunition / Sets the ammunition of a unit (doesn't pay attention to the maximum!)
optional integer amm+ / Add Ammunition / Adds (or subtracts if negative) this number of ammunition from the unit.
optional flag remo / Remove Artifact Flag / Remove artifact from unit (don't confuse removing with dropping!)
optional flag rein / Reinforcements Alert / If new troops are being made visible, play the New Units Received sound.
optional flag tran / Transparent Flag / Makes unit 50% transparent
optional integer deta / Detach Units to Player / Gives control of units to specified player
optional flag held / Held Flag / Monster is held or released
optional fixed mana / Mana / Sets the mana of a unit to a value between 0 and the unit's maximum mana.
optional flag elim / Eliminate Team / Eliminates the team of the first monster in the list. Use with care.
The only problem is I dont think you can set the artifact or any other flag inside of this. Now..if there was away to do this in the future...that would rock
it seems its set up like this
what flag is then the 4 letter code for it/ name of it/discription or details
now if you could add a 3rd back slash and set the parameters ...we could do alot of things without an actual script.
Yep - I looked into this and that's exactly what I see.
Man oh man would it be sweet if you could create your own template tags that could include "custom hard-coded values" for whatever actions you included.
Something that would allow you to say:
* Use this "monster" as subject (for all mons of that type that have the Map Action set to your new custom template tag)
* Fill in parameters for whatever action you want to execute (i.e. Grab Artifact [artifact tag])
Perhaps to simplify you wouldn't be able to link to other actions, etc., and could only do things that used flags or concrete tag values (like our artifact tag). As long as you could say: "apply to all mons that have this Map Action set" as if you went through and assigned each and every unit, you'd be set!
C'mon ozone - you can get this into 1.5.2, can't you? :;):
Hang on guys... too bad ooga hasnt seen this thread. I've got another idea that might make it a bit easier... but I dont know if it's possible due to invariable possabilities like land slope and such... but:
In Ooga's Undead Legions tagset, the Djaval starts with an item as ammo. Hitting T drops 7 other projectiles, that you go and pick up, each providing a new attack. Basically what you're trying to do.
If you make the projectiles your unit is dropping large enough, and give them an extremely heavy weight, so that they fall _directly_ at the units feet, then in theory you could have the _normal_ monster unable to walk on any terrain, and as soon as they grab an artifact, they can move again. So to illustrate:
Mons_norm is set to be unable to walk on any terrain types, and starts with 1 special attack that uses 1 ammo, which produces his artifacts.
Mons_norm hits T, drops artifacts at feet. Click an artifact at his feet(providing the arti's selection box is big enough..) , and he transforms to mons_arti_1, which allows him to move, and gives him a new attack. Grab the next artifact and he becomes mons_arti_2... so on and so forth. The only hitch is if you accidentally switch back to no artifacts, you wont be able to move.