More problems with artifacts

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Post by ozone »

New to myth 1.5 is this flag in the artifact tag:

Restricted By Monster Collection NEW - Lets say you have a range of monsters, sharing the same collection of the Monster Restriction Tag, that you'd like to be able to use this artifact. Check this flag and that's what'll happen.

I have this checked...that is NOT whats happening..

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Post by Gleep »

Make sure the mons are all able to pick up the artifact by having the same projectile volume set in their mons tags. None doesn't cut it. Should probably set to unwieldy, but make sure you dont have scenery projs or death projectiles that they can pick up. Ive had crashes if a mons picked up scenery and tried to attack with it. :)
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Post by ozone »

well Gleep

I appreciate your answer but the fact of the matter if your monsters are set to pick up the same projectile volume then even without checking "restricted by monster collection" the other monsters will be able to pick up that artifact simple because they can pick up the same volume size projectiles.
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Post by Gleep »

Only Restricted Monster Overrides NEW - A "feature" in Myth has always been that not only the Monster Restriction Tag monsters can pick up a projectile. If, say, its of Small volume then a unit that picks up Small volume objects (like a ghol) could also get it. And furthermore the ghol could use the override attack as well. If you don't want this behaviour, check this box
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Post by ozone »

Yah..thing is I dont think this (restricted monster override) works as it should either. I have that checked and units that arent in the monster restricted field can still pick up the artifacts...they just cant USE them.

What im trying to figure out is what exactly "restricted by monster collection" actually means because its become obvious to me that it doesnt mean what it says it means in the fear docs.
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Post by TheHelmet »

Did you ever get an answer to this ozone?
I've got the same problem and I need two different monsters (of the same collection) to be able to pick up the same artifact, and just checking that box does nothing as only one of them are able to pick it up...
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Post by Gleep »

Make sure the monsters that need to pickup the artifact have their desired projectile volumes set to the same setting in the monster tags.(small,large,or unwieldy)
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Post by TheHelmet »

Gleep wrote:Make sure the monsters that need to pickup the artifact have their desired projectile volumes set to the same setting in the monster tags.(small,large,or unwieldy)

Setting desired projectile to small, and the projectile physics to small made it so that ghols were able to pick up the artifact as well, though when they hold it in their inventory it disappears shortly after being picked up.

The other artifacts that are set for different monsters (which have desired projectile set to NONE) are still restricted to that particular monster and cannot be picked up by any other monster, even though the projectile's physics is set to small..

I don't think the checkbox for 'Restricted by Monster Collection' works like it should, like ozone said...

I suppose changing the projectile physics to unwieldy or large is a possibility but wouldn't that change the way the artifact reacts to say explosives?
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Post by Gleep »

Yeah when you pick 'none' it restricts it to the monster. I think restricted by monster collection may just prevent monsters with wrong collection from using the attacks of the artifact but not preventing the pickup when set to small,large, or unwieldy. I may be wrong tho. I don't think changing to unwieldy or large would have any effect on how it reacts to explosives. Give that a shot and maybe that will work for you, I hope. If that doesn't work and if the monsters aren't using ammo, you can have them share the same ammo projectile but use different attacks off of it.
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Post by carlinho »

I thought that flag had to do with the behaviour of the artifact once it was picked up, and not the restriction on which monster can pick it up.
That restriction on which can pick it up is set by the MONSTER RESTRICTION TAG
which basically is by MONSTER and not by COLLECTION

But to tell you the truth I have no clue as to what exactly the flag of restricted by collection does.
I always check it on artifacts as I thought it had something to do with not allowing the artifact to create behaviours different than that of the collection monster it affects, like special attacks or things it may create
(example a special sword that has powers but won't affect the collection monster that picked it up)
dunno...guess it's a try and guess thing unless the guys that did 1.5 say us what it's about....
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Post by Baak »

Really wish that "Starts with Artifact" dropdown would have made it into the Monster tags...

Would have made my "UGR Anywhere" and "WWII Anywhere" plugins so much sweeter...

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Post by TheHelmet »

I scrapped the artifact for that particular unit, since he was kind of uber compared to the other commanders I hid some crystals for him on the map instead..

Hopefully when the others get their artifacts they'll be more than on a par with him.

On a completely (well, okay not completely) different note, I've started beta-testing the map and it actually seems to be working ok.. :o :cool:
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