If you read through the whole thread you will recognize that I had another idea in mind when I posted my idea first. But after a few discussions I decided to adapt other ideas and came to the solution of a risk-like dark vs. light Tournament for several reasons. Since you cant change the title of a thread, it might seem a bit misleading.
But in fact this has all become obsolete, since Lothar, who helped me in realizing this, left the community without any warning and left back a half-finished mappack. I dont have the time anymore to start from scratch, so the Tournament will not be held in the near future and probably never.
Is it possible for a mod to change the title of this thread... or maybe close this and start a thread with the right name? Phex, I hope you got my message.
I tried to contact Phex. The reason being is that even though Lothar left... that doesn't mean the project can't be continued. I wanted to know what was missing for this project to continue. I might be able to help. I think its been like two days so far the wait for a reply by Phex. So if anybody sees him on the server... let him know Pyro is looking for him. Maybe I could continue where Lothar left off.