What color is Maeldun's cloak? - In your opinion

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Post by Pyro »

Guest wrote:I've just had an astonishing revelation (again).

Perhaps it is Rabican and Maeldun, left and right. Yet just after this, the narrator says "today only Alric remains of those who yada yada..."

Perhaps Alric is in the middle because he's the only one left?

This is vague reasoning and I don't actually agree with it, I prefer to think it's Murgen in the middle. However, it's a possibility.
Finally you are thinking out of your box, William. :D Thinking is the first step.... the second... I don't know I'm distracted.
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William Wallet
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Post by William Wallet »

"Finally you are thinking out of your box, William."

I believe you've suffered some kind of misapprehension about me.
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Post by :) Da Cid (: McCl »

I really don't think Rabican's and Maeldun's styles would suit the "normal" Avatara suit. Rabican is very physically/melee oriented (look at his beefy arms and armour/helmet) and Maeldun seems to be a little more on the elemental style (staff, funny hat). Alric (and Murgen if that is him) seem to be a mix of the two.

Although that does raise the question "If both Maeldun and Rabican are in different robes suiting their style, how come Murgen is just dressed up like Alric?". This could possibly mean that that is indeed Alric there. Either that, or Murgen is unoriginal.

PS. I think I might post this over at Bungie.net, either to confuse all the Halo people or muster up some good Myth conversation.

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Post by :) Da Cid (: McCl »

Sardonic posted this over at Bungie.net:


While the level text lists Rabican, Murgen, and Maeldun in that order, I do not necessarily believe that is proof of which avatara is which. According to GURPS Myth:
[Murgen] was a particularly skilled sorcerer, with a knowledge of the Gate college and extraplanar affairs unmatched by any of his colleagues.

This seems quite true considering that he was able to help the legion escape the Tain. Since Murgen is singled out as having exceptional magical talents, one would assume that he is more likely the avatara on the right holding the staff. All that is really known about Maeldun is that he was extremely stubborn and never yielded to anyone or anything. I doubt one could use that as a basis to discern which avatar is which in the picture, but my guess based on the fundamental traits of each avatara would be that Maeldun, who was the most stalwartly stubborn of the Nine, is the avatara in the middle and Murgen, who is singled out for his magical prowess, is the avatara on the right.

On the topic of avatara wearing similar clothing, it is possible that there may be a standard avatara outfit. While any extremely skilled and devoted student of magic may become an archmage, only a select few become avatara. The fact that all avatara had to not only be extremely skilled in magic, but also a master swordsman is proof of a standard set of qualifications for avatara. This may mean that a standard avatara outfit was also specified. In the cases of Rabican and Murgen, we have two avatara who distinctly focus more on one discipline (Rabican on melee combat and Murgen on magic). This may have something to do with why they do not wear similar clothing to Alric.

No matter which avatara is which, the similar appearances of the middle avatara and Alric do not mean they are the same "type" of Avatara. According to this excerpt from the Myth TFL manual, no two Avataras have the same magic ability.
The Nine powerful sorcerors who lead the Legion against Balor and the Fallen Lords. Because of their years of training as magic-users and strategists, they tend to avoid melee combat but can be vicious whe they have to be.

Each Avatar carried a sword, and knows how to use it. Each Avatar has a unique magic ability.

-Avatara Description, Cast of Characters, Myth TFL Manual


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Post by GodzFire »

Damnit I am just gonna ask the freakin narrator who is who and that will be the end of it!!!!!!!!!
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Post by William Wallet »

Godz, you might do better by just asking Juan Ramirez. :D

It's interesting that people talk of what 'suits' a given Avatara's character, when we know so little of any one member of the Nine - indeed, we don't even know a lot about Alric's character. It seems that individuals in Myth are defined more by deed than by personality.

If you ask me, the one Maeldun quote that we get (about going to Leix to kick some pirate arse) would fit in with the character on the right of the picture. Just because he's holding a staff doesn't mean he doesn't have a sword somewhere.

Though I offered some kind of reasoning that it might be Alric in the middle, I basically think that it's as the narrator says it, left to right.
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Post by Horus »

...He refered to GURPS!!

GURPS is not and never will be evidence enough to conclude anything Myth related, unless said GURPS fact is supported by information from Myth itself (GURPS doesn't even mention the fact that Balmung was shattered in the duel between Alric and Soulblighter).
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Post by William Wallet »

Horus â„¢ wrote:...He refered to GURPS!!

GURPS is not and never will be evidence enough to conclude anything Myth related, unless said GURPS fact is supported by information from Myth itself (GURPS doesn't even mention the fact that Balmung was shattered in the duel between Alric and Soulblighter).
My only reasons for discrediting GURPS are petty ones. I simply dislike it because I don't have it, whereas if I had a copy I'd happily transcribe it for Myth folks like ourselves.

That - and how accurate can it be? Sure - "based on Bungie notes" - but the new Hitchhikers movie had Douglas Adams input, yet magically turned into the exact kind of SHIT HOLLYWOOD MOVIE that Adams successfully lampooned eloquently for 20 years.

So yeah. It'd take a lot of convincing to prove to me that GURPS isn't just 'based' on BUNGiE's work, but is mostly the artistic license of some shmo's who think 5+ broadswords pwn.
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Post by Lugas »

Coming back to Maeldun, I have had a few ideas for his attacks:

1) Primary Attack: Either Maeldun whacks the target on the head with his staff or he kills them with some kind of electrocuting ray kind of thing. He could whack an enemy on the head if they get too close (like the fir'Bolg's emergency punch).

2) Secondary attack: Dispersal Dream. I object to this being Maeldun's special attack because it is too conventional for Avataras. Alric TFL and Alric Emperor have dispersal dream and it does my head in! An alternative to Dispersal Dream could be an attack that travels very fast in strait lines that kills one target or does less damage to a large group. I picture it being similar to the Dalek's Death Ray.

3) An attack enabled by an artifact: Dalek's Death Ray if Dispersal Dream is used.

4) An attack enabled by an artifact: Teleportation and back. If you were too use this on an enemy, Maeldun would teleport to the enemy, blow it up with a "Non-contagious" Dispersal Dream and teleport back. It would kill an average unit with only one attack. Or you could just not have him teleport.

5) An attack enabled by an artifact: Deceiver's Primary Lightning. This is the lightning that the Deceiver uses against Soulblighter's Raven when it tries to flee. I don't mean the lightning that comes from the sky. I mean the one that comes from his Wand/Rod thing. Also it would be highly repetitional so it wouldn't be almost useless.

6) An attack enabled by an artifact: Soulblighter's (from The Fallen Heroes) special attack. The sequence could be Maeldun taunting and it fry most lesser enemies with one use. Ones that are surrounding him of course. :D

That's all I can really think about...
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Post by William Wallet »

A large scale, spread out attack that either propels large numbers of units outwards (scattering them, perhaps to clear a path) or a similar attack that instead of propelling men outwards, SUCKS THEM IN (for subsequent elimination by Duffs).

I'm pretty certain you can't do that. But man it would rock.
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Post by Lugas »

I think Pyro made Fallen Heroes. Correct me if I'm wrong.
He made Soulblighter kill all incoming enemies with his special attack. That's what I meant?

Are any of my other suggestions lame/impossible/difficult?
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Post by Gleep »

Good Ideas guys.

You can do that Will. Might not be perfect due to Myth's limitations but possible.
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Post by :) Da Cid (: McCl »

Seeing as though it's the amount of damage done to a unit that dictates how far he'll fly, would negative damage work?

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Post by Gleep »

Not exactly cid. Damage to Propulsion is the key factor. The units have to be checked that they can propel and have damage to propel set in the monster tag. A negative value in the Damage to Propulsion box will pull the unit and toss it to the other side of the attack projectile. The coolest use of this is a continously detonating projectile that continuously sucks a unit toward it, not allowing it to escape. The whirlwind attack used in several plugs is a prime example of this.
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William Wallet
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Post by William Wallet »


My, it would be marvellous to give Maeldun an attack where he makes a sort of temporary minefield where large numbers of troops got pushed around heaps... it's an interesting idea.
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