What color is Maeldun's cloak? - In your opinion

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Post by Road »

Horus â„¢ wrote:How about someone mixes the pull attack with a destructive centre (Black Hole anyone?)

Fire attack - centre of attack continually detonates - a 2ndry resultant projectile causes units to be pulled into the centre of death.
Isnt that one of the genie spells in UL?
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William Wallet
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Post by William Wallet »

Lugas wrote:Also another attack for Maeldun, a continuous inferno attack coming out of Maeldun's staff.
Kind of like this...Image
I reckon Maeldun should be a charging unit that *slows down* when he approaches an enemy. You run around the battlefield looking for prey, then you spot someone, and slow down so you can actually enter some kind of melee with him without tripping over.
Okay I got the models but now I'm too dumb to do anything with 'em
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Post by Tireces »

Hows goin work on this new Avatara model ?
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Post by Pyro »

Tireces wrote:Hows goin work on this new Avatara model ?
Very slow... more like paused... over a month ago I got my Myth2 cd back and uninstalled my Myth 2 demo... where I had all the work on Maeldun. Gone it was... but that doesn't mean I won't continue to work on it... or restart more like it. But I am busy working on beta 8 of Fallen Heroes. Since Maeldun was intended for FH to begin with. Each unit will have 2 specials from the start. But I am having some problems on Soulblighter's other special. Most of the other specials are done. Beta 8 will be on a different map from the previous betas. Beta 8 would have been the first public beta if it wasn't for a few people that got curious about FH before it was ready.

Its times like these that I wish I knew how to make a 3d model from scratch. :lol:
Raistlin MM
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Post by Raistlin MM »

so whats up with maeldun now?
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