Myth 3 Storyline - what was good and what sux....

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Post by Tireces »

IMHO Connachts voice is very good as well as voice of Damas, Myrdered and Emp Leitrim...

I hate only M3 myrks voices - they suck ( 3d myrks models arent 2 great either - worst looking inall game )
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Post by William Wallet »

There was no good voice acting in M3. Connacht's accent... can I just say, I hope they weren't trying to be Scottish.
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Post by GodzFire »

I personally thought the narration voice was great and the next best thing from finding the person who did the first two. The character voices also match very well. It's one thing to hate a game because of some faults in it. It's another to just do it because you want to.
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Post by Horus »

I love how Godzfire is trying to wind everyone up :P
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Post by :) Da Cid (: McCl »

GodzFire wrote:I personally thought the narration voice was great and the next best thing from finding the person who did the first two. The character voices also match very well. It's one thing to hate a game because of some faults in it. It's another to just do it because you want to.

It's another thing to completely ignore the facts.

Narration voice, great?! I wanted to play Myth, not watch a movie trailer.

May I ask how Connacht moved from "Scottish" quiet voiced punsy man to "THE REST OF YOUR LEGION HAS BEEN DESTROYED, AAALLRIC"?

Bahl'al, Moagim and Mazzarin all sound exactly the same. Bahl'al looks punsy. They say "These are ancient, pre-Cath Bruig, this must be where Mazz is", yet I remember Mazzarin dying in the Wind Age anyway? The same age Myth III is set?

Connacht is given all the knowledge that Mazzarin has, and just before that Mazzarin says "I have read the Total Codex! I know everything of the future!" So shouldn't Connacht have seen the page that says "You will be tricked by Alric into being frozen by an Eblis Stone. Bring a towel"?

The whole game is a gaping plot hole, and personally doesn't retain anything I liked about Myth, I'm sorry.

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Post by Pyro »

:) Da Cid (: McCl wrote:
May I ask how Connacht moved from "Scottish" quiet voiced punsy man to "THE REST OF YOUR LEGION HAS BEEN DESTROYED, AAALLRIC"?

Well that's assuming that the Leveler's voice has to be the same as the previous hero's voice.

They say "These are ancient, pre-Cath Bruig, this must be where Mazz is", yet I remember Mazzarin dying in the Wind Age anyway? The same age Myth III is set?

By "these" they meant the ancient Forest Heart... where Mazzarin's crypt is at... not that Mazz died back then in those pre-Cath Bruig days.

From all the stuff M3 is wrong on or bad on... Mazz being a Shade and not being under The Watcher's control... is just retarded... and the whole total codex knowledge that Mazz has... they should have rethought that at least. Just cuz the Trow fought againt the Light in TFL shouldn't mean that the Trow are always on the bad guys side... Wasn't there a part of a Myth2 journal that said that The Deceiver and the Trow fought against the Myrkridia? Well not said... but implied it.
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Post by Gleep »

Well, you guys didn't realize that m3 was set in a parallel universe.
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Post by William Wallet »

"Well, you guys didn't realize that m3 was set in a parallel universe."

What's *really* sad... is that, isn't this what they did with Star Trek Enterprise? Or was it 'this was ALLLL a holodeck thing!"?.
I don't remember. Oh well.

"It's one thing to hate a game because of some faults in it. It's another to just do it because you want to."

Clueless. Absolutely clueless... you don't know how MUCH I wanted to like Myth 3. Right from getting the demo, I was absolutely freakin' ecstatic that there was going to be another Myth.
I "wanted to hate it"?? You cloth-brained fool. I don't hate things because I want to hate them. I'm an (unfortunately) reactive personality - I react to significant persons and events. In this case, a shit game. I played a shit game and I don't like it.

"Well that's assuming that the Leveler's voice has to be the same as the previous hero's voice."

Yeah but since they're the same person, that'd be a given wouldn't it?

"From all the stuff M3 is wrong on or bad on... Mazz being a Shade and not being under The Watcher's control... is just retarded... "

Actually I don't see too much of a problem with that. Maybe turning Mazz into a Shade went wrong, the Watcher couldn't keep him in check, and ended up chucking him in a tomb or some shit.

Yeah... and boy did I laugh yesterday when Cid did the level where Connacht reads the Codex. Didn't he think to, I dunno, throw a big fishnet over the Devoid so he wouldn't get lobbed in there?
To know the entire future of the world, and then do SFA about any of it... he's probably 2nd only to Alric in the "Boy I Screwed Up Bigtime" stakes.

I'm still in shock. Someone who doesn't know me terribly well (outside of 3 *hilarious* games of WoR) just told me I wanted to hate Myth. Hahaha. Blow it out your rear.
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Post by Tireces »

GodzFire wrote:I personally thought the narration voice was great and the next best thing from finding the person who did the first two. The character voices also match very well. It's one thing to hate a game because of some faults in it. It's another to just do it because you want to.
<- thinks same thing (except myrks voices)

About Moagim, Bhal'al and Mazz voices: so yup, Moagim and Watcher sound similiar. But Mazz ? I think that he has other voice. Btw it seems 2 be quite good - talking with rotted larynx isnt easy thing probably :)
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Post by Doromas »

So, Connacht may have an accent but the Leveller apparently not, and as I can remember in Myth III Connacht screamed "Retreat" in that cutscene where he got pwned by Moagim and he sounded quite different.

So i dont find it impossible with the voices. what i find weird is, didnt balor have black hair in that TFL cutscene? Connacht had brown hair when i remember correctly...

also balor's face looked overall quite different..

You have to consider that Connacht and not the leveller got all the knowledge of the Codex, and if I got it correctly Balor is only Connacht's body + spirit of leveller. hm, that also makes it weird why Balor had that hatred for the Myrkridia if its not really Connacht. I mean, Leveller was cause of Myrkridia or something and wouldnt give a shit about that standard.

lol i confused myself...
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Post by Pyro »

I always considered The Leveler to be a blend between the old hero and either the entity of The Leveler of the past or something else... but the every Leveler taking on part of the previous hero's attributes. Like Balor hating the myrks. Unless Balor didn't want his Trow allies looking at the standard seeing as according to a Myth2 journal... The Deceiver and the Trow fought against the myrks. So maybe the Trow were on the side of the Light at that one time. But I still stick with the idea of The Leveler taking on attributes from the previous hero... mental or physical ...etc.
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Post by haravikk »

The leveller is still a reincarnation of the hero, so probably is like a combination of the old hero and the evil spirit. Plus it's way more interesting if they have some character traits :P

The voices I felt were okay, except for the narrator, he was so damned BORING to listen to! The Myth TFL and Myth 2 narrator at least sounded like he had some feeling behind what he was saying. Maybe the fault then is that he's reading from a history rather than writing his own journal but he could at least sound interested.

Why not make Connacht's voice like a beserk's? He came from Gower, it makes sense. Besides, he'd have lost the accent from being emperor for so long, surrounded by politicians etc.
Damas' voice wasn't deep and throaty in Myth 3 either, it's silly to think he'd still sound the same after having his mind dominated by a malign evil!

I think Godzfire is right, some people are definitely picking faults where there aren't really any.

Like the hair colour, watch the cutscene again, you'll find his armour is also black instead of white, much more important than his hair IMO :P

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Post by William Wallet »

We don't really have to consider anything, other than this:

Someone with good source material made a below-par prequel. It has happened countless times before and will happen countless many more. I can offer two examples in the Star Wars prequels of '99-2005, and the series Star Trek Enterprise; Both of which utterly disregard both the quality and the form of their predecessors, and try to make something that could not possibly relate back to the original work.

If MumboJumbo were so determined to make their own story, I wish they'd just gone and made some half-baked ripoff of Myth, Instead of stamping on it the trademark of a game that I quite frankly think was the best one made in the last five or ten years.

This game *suffers*. I don't know what it is - was it a tiny schedule? Maybe. Lack of talent? I don't think so, it takes a fair bit of brains to make *one* level of Myth, never mind 35 or so.
Budget? Who knows - but that shouldn't be an excuse because it never was for TFL or Myth 2.

You could compare Myth 3 to say, Evil Genius, and say it's a brilliant game. But that simply isn't good enough - anyone who ever played TFL at least should know that this is just crap. Dregs. Not-good-enough.

What my erstwhile comrade Cid was trying to point out with the voices, is that those particular 3 seem to use the same effect. I've noted that Moagim, Mazzarin, and possibly the oghres seem to use the same filter. It was mildly innovative the first time.

I dunno, don't think I hate Myth or anything. But frankly, this shit ain't Myth. If you want a good 3rd game in a series, made years later under a different studios banner, go out and buy Thief 3. *Solid* gold, the Thief series. Personally, I'd like to divorce myself from Myth 3, and give my copy to Cid. He can keep it!
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Post by William Wallet »

"Maybe the fault then is that he's reading from a history rather than writing his own journal but he could at least sound interested."

This I believe might be the source of the problem, with the narrator at least. It sounds detatched from the plight of the characters. One could say that it *had* to be that way, but I don't think so. If having a viewpoint from 1000 years later made things seem less urgent, they should've shifted the viewpoint, or had the guy read a journal (the journal writer providing the less-disinterested voice, perhaps).

"Why not make Connacht's voice like a beserk's? He came from Gower, it makes sense. "

Yeah! A Scottish accent would've been great. I don't know what it was that they gave Connacht though.

"I think Godzfire is right, some people are definitely picking faults where there aren't really any."

Hahaha. Oh boy, I have to invite Cid over tomorrow and we could get a list together. There are faults. The San Andreas Fault looks at Myth 3 and gets penis envy. Train wrecks look at Myth 3 and go 'gee we could've done it worse couldn't we?'.
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Post by Pyro »

It would seem that many prequels don't usually live up to the expectations of the fans. Myth III does have a different feel to it. But I agree they could have done better... way better. I like some of their ideas and how some of the things they did. But story-wise they messed up too many times. Yeah the journals don't seem like journals... more like a story telling. Then a cutscene which changes the whole level BEFORE you get to play it. All the good action happened outside of the in game stories.
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