Hello, I am having a wierd bug with loathing.
Here's two links with images showing the problem along with a small description of what I am doing.
Terrain Bug (Selection Tool)
Terrain Bug (Hill tool)
Map Bug (In game)
What I did :
I modified the Clash in the cloudspine colormap and displacement map. I then proceeded to export the new ones on the map. I deleted all models since they have to be removed. What happens is that the map seems to remember the model borders and displays them.
Wierd thing is that the terrain shows normal when im on the hill edit mode, unit placing, scenery and projectile placing modes. When I go in selection mode OR In game(!) Units can pass through these phantom hills.
I'd like to know of a way to remove those, it is very annoying...
Wierd Loathing Bug
I have vague memories of solving a problem where model borders were still showing up in-game. I think I solved it by starting over and removing the models by clicking on them individually and deleting, instead of going into the model palette and removing them all at once, like I did before. It was a long time ago, and I was pretty new at editing, and I haven't dealt with these sorts of issues much since, so maybe I'm completely misleading you. I hope this helps though.