Mazz 5, me solo? Nope. [edit: actually I misread your post. yes I did win Mazz 5 solo-- on NORMAL. Thought you meant legendary] I won Mazz 4 LEGENDARY solo on mariusnet, which recorded the win I think. Or was that solo Shadow of the Mnt with Blue and Gray units ...that was recorded... can't recall. Too long ago.Wismuth wrote:4 of you? Apparently woof has beaten Mazz V normal solo.druik wrote:We have gotten the watcher down to about 15% health on normal, just with 4 of us...
Hmm I used to have the Mazz 4 film. But reformatted and dumped Myth for a spell. Gil might have seen it.
But nope, I got to black thrall just once on Mazz 5 legendary. Not close to a win.
I do have hopes for timid solo in mazz 6. have made it 1:15 into game so far after three tries. As for higher levels... wont even attempt those solo.