Mazz 6 Heroic

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Post by Death's Avatar »

I can't tell where the sarcasm ends and where the seriousness begins....
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Post by :) Da Cid (: McCl »

Oh okay. No I didn't read the read me.

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Post by rabican »

Okay, this is just ridiculous. dwarves cant even beat the bushes in the end... even with all liches dead and no pops going on , this is just crappy... mazz 6 is piece of shit ,sorry to say :Ä(((

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Post by CheezeFist »

I was in yet another game where we are all loaded up with tons of vets and at the end you cant kill anything.

Lvl 4 mort vs bush = bush wins.

Waste of time.
Either fix the plug or announce that it is unbeatable.
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Post by buckweaver »

Such a tragic end. I'll send you our latest film to mazzvi@hotmail.

hope you can figure out a way to fix it, It's great fun until the END.

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Post by Death's Avatar »

Wow. You guys are pretty damn whiny.

We played tons and tons of this...and I have never seen anything like it. We've even had haxors that probably double the amount of explosions and things of the sort, but we never saw units unable to do damage.

In light of that, cut ChrisP some slack here. He is trying his best guys. Quit being whiny.

Last edited by Death's Avatar on Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by CheezeFist »

Eat shit DA.
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Post by rabican »

Eh... just becaues you havent seen it doesnt mean it doesnt exist :O

i've wasted ,what 100hous(more) and i've hit this at least 5 times. this is fucked up and there really isn't any excuse .

and you beta testers are blind . and not very good at myth.

pally teleheal shit is shitty.
zerk massive blow cry resets everytime its dropped.
was one more at least but i forgot it !!!!!! :/(

edit :

i dont whine , i just want this shit fixed. and i shoulda just made post like cheeze.
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Post by buckweaver »

Death's Avatar wrote:Wow. You guys are pretty damn whiney.

We played tons and tons of this...and I have never seen anything like it. We've even had haxors that probably double the amount of explosions and things of the sort, but we never saw units unable to do damage.

In light of that, cut ChrisP some slack here. He is trying his best guys. Quit being whiney.

Don't think we don't appriciate chrisp's work on this plugin.
It's really hard to get a team as good as we had together, good enough to make it that far with so few losses.

This the fourth game of heroic I've played where our attacks stopped working soon after the watcher arrived. This required a lot of play hours from me, rab, crc just to name a few. We are dedicated!

I really just want to help get it fixed so we can contnue with the contest.
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Post by Death's Avatar »

I was mostly talking to cheeze and rab, your [buck] post was simply attempting to resolve the issue.

Of course, I guess I now know what cheeze and rab are about now. Nice.
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Post by rabican »

go start your pathetic flamewar elsewhere da. rest of us would like to get this issue solved , not throw personal insults :/(

you can come back telling me how whiney and "what i'm about" after you end 36 hour mazz marathon(yes , i got no life) and final victroy to bug and not loose your cool
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Post by ChrisP »

Easy, guys. No doubt, there is reason to be upset over all the wasted games. I'm really happy people have enjoyed (most) of the plugin so far, and I am just as sorry that this bug happened. Trust me, no one is as bummed about it as me - but it will be fixed ASAP. Please don't make it worse by arguing with each other.

Mazz 6 was tested for hundreds of hours on 50 betas. Hundreds of bugs were weeded out thanks to the beta testers, and as for the ones that remained, they're my fault for not giving the very dedicated and patient testers enough time. What can I say? It's the most complex Myth map ever made and the reason I didn't wait till I was sure it was 110% bug free is because I was afraid it would never, ever get released if I did. It's a tough call to make when to let go and release a major project, and I blew it.

Lots of people worked on the map, but only I called the shots, so I'm the only one to blame. If you want to be mad at me, that's fine. I'm not going to pretend I don't deserve it. BUT, I'm the only one who deserves it.

My thanks to all the people who found the bugs the hard way and reported all the details. It wouldn't get fixed without you guys. Jagman has already provided fixes for some of the other bugs and he's so much better with tags than I am that he'll probably find the cause of this bug in no time too.
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Post by CheezeFist »

<3 fer ChrisP
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Post by Truth »

Its good to see you are going to look into this CP. I was in that game too (until i lagged out anyway heh) and i along with rab and tim have seen this bug occur at least 3-4 times. Its just really frustrating, especially when we were doing so well that game % wise and we had some of myths best players in that game to give a true shot at winning it to have it shot down by the fact things dont die :O
cheers matey
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