Mazz 6 Victory Reports...

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Post by ChrisP »

First Simple SL win claimed by Gabba, Truth, woof, Jagman, Grig, Da Cid, Tramist and myself.
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Post by buckweaver »

Second :( simple win: SL:

Rabican, Chickenwire, Timmah, (tramist disconnect)

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Post by Gleep »

Normal victory

lil Rascal
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Post by GodzFire »

ChrisP wrote:First Simple SL win claimed by Gabba, Truth, woof, Jagman, Grig, Da Cid, Tramist and myself.
See I knew you guys would do fine without me!
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Post by buckweaver »

Normal SL win.

rabican, timmah, Mr Tree, Truth, Chickenwire (sidewayz discon), Souly TFS.

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Post by Truth »

lol tim

im going to go watch it again.
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Post by Truth »

HEH we will beat leg soon! just wait till we get the dream team assembled and it will like.. BLAM mazz 7 now please cheers ears bananas and pears. yup. drunk. 100% RAWR ~PoOp~ niggi ~PoOp~
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Post by pompey »

Jeez, took long enough for us to get together, but Pony, Joshua (Mahout) and I finally got timid on our own. Some small measure of pride is returned, but I bet we'll be putting a lot more work into the next difficulty levels.
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Post by The Elfoid »

I'm not bothering to put up the race for the SL on Wikipedia's list unless someone tells me its an 'official' competition it'll just get a footnote on the Mazz6 paragraph.
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Post by buckweaver »

Hey 'froid,

I think the SL is the real competition, it is more difficult. It's like having 10 difficulty levels.

someone make it official, please.
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Post by TarousZars »

ChrisP wrote:Although the first Eternal Champion has been knighted, the Mazzarin's Demise VI contest and ranking will continue. As Eternal Champion, Rabican has been granted 100 bonus points (20 to each difficulty category) and CRC, who completed all five difficulty levels at the same time, has been awarded 50 bonus points (10 to each difficulty category). Also, the following new rules now apply:

6. When and if any player achieves a total of 3,000 or more points, the contest will be permanetly over and the score board frozen for posterity. The player will with the most points at this time will be the new, and final, Eternal Champion.
Um, I don't think it can get any more official than that.

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Post by ChrisP »

Was there somewhere I needed to register it to make it official? :shock:
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Post by The Elfoid »

I just didn't know you could earn points for more than just the Timid - Leg wins.

Chris I have a list of all Myth II tournies on Wikipedia is all. If there's a competition to finish SL that's more than just a 'do it for the sake of it' (i.e. has some sort of TO such as yourself) I'll stick it up later when I got time.
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Post by ChrisP »

Hehe, I was just teasing, Elf. Yes, I'll be scoring all winning Mazz films according to the listed rules until someone gets 3,000 or more points. I imagine this will go on for weeks, if not months, longer. By the time it's done, the top 40 players or so will have a permanent record to demonstrate they were the best at what was probably the most challenging co-op competition ever.

Really though, it's the same competition that started when Mazz 6 was released - just the second part of it. Rabican was first to earn the title of Eternal Champion, and from all indications, he's likely to keep it, but you never know. :wink:
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Post by The Elfoid »

You should crown someone else as second Eternal Champion or its not 'Eternal'!

It would be nice if someone looked at the list from time to time to check its all written ok but no one ever checks it who's into co-op really. Savanarola did ages ago but the Mazz tournies I think the writeups could do with some inspection.
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