One oddity I just encountered that appears to be a bug is as follows:
- I've created a MedKit projectile with associated artifact
- The artifact overwrites the mons special attack with a MedKit "heal" attack - this is a melee attack like the journeyman healing
- The artifact starts with 1 charge
- I have the "Vanishes after final charge" checkbox checked in the artifact
- I can pick up the projectile/artifact and do the healing, but the artifact never vanishes! I just keep healing and healing and healing...
If I T-click the ground (i.e. not myself) with the MedKit artifact, it vanishes from my inventory but I never see it (because it's healing the ground). So it appears to be a problem with "attacking myself".
Also, when I change the MedKit to a non-"Melee attack", it does vanish, but unfortunately in this case the solder tosses the MedKit!
The only solution I can think of is to make a new monster that has the MedKit special attack built-in, and make the artifact overwrite the standard soldier. This should work, but I thought I should bring the above to everyone's attention.
Another tiny oddity I notice that may be related is with the RPG as an artifact. When I "attack myself" (to z00k), instead of using the attack projectile as it should, it uses the original projectile of the RPG on the ground! So instead of a nice "in flight" RPG, it looks like I'm tossing the RPG like a Frisbee (it rotates and is large with no contrail).
Something is amiss...