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Post by A-Red »

It also matters who hits first, I suppose. But I think Gugusm is right--the random damage amounts would be the biggest determining factor in a fight between units of the same type (unless those units randomly block, in which case that would become an important factor too)

Ghasts don't freeze each other, do they? A fight between two of them would be like a fight between two thralls, but shorter.
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Post by Khadrelt »

Yes - Ghasts are immune to paralysis.
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Myth III baord game...

Post by Point »

I Have the ever exciting never played Myth iii board game... One of those vary exciting :)note that i said vary not very ) myth freebies I got during E3 one year. If I could find it I could check the rules and see if there is anything of help to you...
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Post by Roadwyrm »

Gamer wrote: A bowman has a "Miss Fraction" of 0.00 and a "random initial inertia" of 0.00. Now we can say the only thing that makes thtat the bowman hits not every time is the "intial velocity error", a very small amount (0.008) which is added every time to the initial velocity (which is definded at random, here 0.240-0.260). Than the arrow is a bit (0.008) faster...

But is there a velocity limit that must be hold that the arrow hits the target? I would think that these 0.008 would make nothing!?! Its such a small number! In which area should the velocity be that the bowman hits the target?
0.008 turns out to be allot in game, since the arrows usually fly far it does make a differance. Changing the "IVE" to 1.0 is extreme and mostly misses and a 0.050 also misses allot. Archers miss mostley due to targets moving and otherwise hit pretty well. If you mess with Fear a little youd see the differance.
Gamer wrote: Second and last question: Two thralls ( no miss fraction and no velocity error, so every hit hits the target) fight against each other: Are there other factors that affect the fight?

Two ghasts fight against each other, the initial velocity is defined at random, (its very important who freezes first). I think the ghast with the higher velocity wins the fight, right?
After a test (with ghasts not being immune to the paralyze) it turns out that two ghasts can actually stun eachother at the same time. Many melleee dont have miss fractions and the ones that do just need kills to advance to avoid that (remember that myth units gain skill after kills too). Im not sure why some mellee have "velocity" because "velocity" is the speed that being thrown...I have the fealling that if the few that had it was reduced to 0.00 it would be that same.

The only other factor in mellee that I can think of (thinking after work isnt easy) is the effects modifiers (object)...I dont think that theres a "dogde" type of modifier or anything.
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Post by Enculator »

honestly honestly honestly.
You shouldn't waste your time. It has already be done :)
check this link :
http://hl.udogs.net/files/Gaming/%20Myt ... _stats.zip
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Post by A-Red »

Melee attacks have velocity because technically they do fly through the air...they just don't go very far (between 1 and 2 world units). Which Ghast strikes first might not matter, because by the time his projectile reaches the other Ghast (again, it's really fast but there's some delay) the other Ghast might have already "shot" his own melee projectile. So they can stun each other pretty much simultaneously, and will probably do so pretty frequently.
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Post by Roadwyrm »

Enculator wrote:honestly honestly honestly.
You shouldn't waste your time. It has already be done :)
check this link :
http://hl.udogs.net/files/Gaming/%20Myt ... _stats.zip
What has been done? A convetion to table top?...this isnt a conversion to table top, it's just stat information...which may be a good refferance for Gamer...I would have at least added the cost points too :P

Alric 16
Bezerk 2
Bezerk Heroe 6
Bowmen 3
Bowmen Heroe 6
Bre' Unor 4
Brigand 2
Cannon 3
Chicken 1
Chicken(net game) 3
Crow 1
Deciever 20
Deer 1
Dwarf 6
Dwarf Hero 8
Dwarf Morter 8
Dwarf Morter Hero 10
Dwarf Pathfinder 8
Fetch 6
Frog 1
Ghast 1
Ghol 2
Griffen 1
Hawk 1
Heron Guard 3
Heron Guard Hero 8
Journyman 6
Mahir 9
Maul 4
Myrk (small) 4
Myrk (giant) 24
Peasent 1
Pig (net) 3
Shade 16
Shiver 16
SoulBlighter 24
Sparrow 1
Spider 1
Stygian Knight 3
Thrall 1
Trow 24
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Post by Enculator »

eh i thought that its mostly what gamer is looking for, and trying to create.

and fyi berserk = 3 points :P
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Post by Gamer »

Very nice...It becomes precise...

Melee attacks:
I want to measure how much damage a unit does in a certain time limit, because its also important how much the unit hits. There is the recovery time, but actually I need to know how long the whole attack takes. (a ghast hits not every 0.2 seconds!?!)

I read somewhere something about blocking, but the bloke who wrote the
unit stats didnt know something about that, so I think I will forget that aspect. Than we can say two units hit each other (and do some damage)until on of them dies.

Thats a very easy one I think. For my tabletop its important that the units have different vitalitys, but most of them take the same damage from the same attack!(They have the same "armour")
(very strange that a warrior with a armour takes 100% damage of slashing metal attack, and the berserk (without armour) too ! (Effect modifiers))

An Arrow misses his target when he becomes to fast or to slowly (Velocity must be in the range of 0.24-0.26) . But its possible that the velocity is more than this range, because of the initial velocity error (0.008)
(I think it cant be to slowly because the 0.008 are always ADDED..!?!?)
When the target runs arround hi misses more often of course, but after which legality does it work?

Hope its all true what I assumed!
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Post by Zeph »

i think the velocity error is a random vector added in a random direction. So it could be added sideways and make the projectile deviate to the sides. It could be backward to slow the projectile or forward. I know for sure that the inertia error in proj. tag is like that and since arrows sometime deviate to the sides I am thinking the same about the velocity error.

edit : Tested and I can say that it is indeed an added velocity in a random direction. What you could do to see if the archer hits is take a random number between 0 and 20(.240-.260) (D20) and a random between -8 and 8 and see if it still falls between 0 and 20.
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Post by Gamer »

Hello again!

The three most important Questions:

1.) Where is the amount of how long an attack takes?
(not the "Recovery Time" (mons.), which is between the attacks)

2.) When I set "0" for the "Initial Velocity Error" of bowman, he hits every time ona target dummy, but he misses still targets which are running away, for example a ghoul. Is there somewhere an tag which defines such things (target which is running arround) ??

3.) I noticed that at the moment when a unit is hitted by an enemy, it cant do its attack, it fails, does no damage...I think thats "blocking" in Myth II, isnt it?

THX if you can answer theese questions!

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Post by Pyro »

Gamer wrote:1.) Where is the amount of how long an attack takes?
(not the "Recovery Time" (mons.), which is between the attacks)
There is no place in Fear that it says this. You would have to check in Amber which only Mac users can well use.
Gamer wrote:2.) When I set "0" for the "Initial Velocity Error" of bowman, he hits every time ona target dummy, but he misses still targets which are running away, for example a ghoul. Is there somewhere an tag which defines such things (target which is running arround) ??
A moving target is harder to hit. If the moving target is slow the bowman can hit it fine as long as the slow unit is going in a straight line. A Mahir can go in a straight line and not get hit... before anybody coments on how mahir are invisible while moving... the arrow doesnt even go where the mahir is at the moment.
Gamer wrote:3.) I noticed that at the moment when a unit is hitted by an enemy, it cant do its attack, it fails, does no damage...I think thats "blocking" in Myth II, isnt it?
This is not block... this is flinch. If a unit has a high flinch value in their monster tag then only strong attacks will make it flinch. When a unit flinches it stops the unit if they are moving or attacking. Long range units like dwarves and bowmen are slow and have a low flinch value so most attacks will make them flinch.
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Post by Gamer »

Ok, thanks!

Does somebody know where I can find some informations about


in the "unit stats" file ive downloaded is nothing written about that.

2.) How does the "inertia" in the proj. tag affect an attack???
(somebody mentioned this "inertia" in conjunction with ranged


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Post by iron »

There's no stats controlling blocking, other than whether the unit has the ability to block or not.

When the unit's completed its recovery time after a previous block/attack, it checks to see if its direct opponent is in the process of taking a swing at it. If so, it blocks, otherwise it attacks.

Hope that helps :)
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Post by Gamer »

Hello again!

What measuring unit is used for the based speed in the mons.tag?

Trowfoot per second?

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