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Post by Death's Avatar »

Ok. Uhm. So I guess what Blades said has come and gone, and by what he said, the site will never now get done.

I guess I'd just like to ask him to do two more things:

1) Shut down the metaserver.

2) Link to mariusnet on the mainpage.

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Post by Spaniard »

Is this official that he wont bring a new website up?

After a long long hiatus from Myth i wanted to come back and already ordered my copy from T2, i shoulda checked on playmyth before i ordered this.

Does this now mean everyone is going to move to marius? Is there a downside to marius or something? Im not sure because i havent played in near 8 years. Did playmyth have some kind of intrinsic advantage?

I know everyone who has wanted to start playing again cant because nobody is on Marius, will this now change, is there going to be a new topic started to signal the move?etc...

Thanks in advance, reall wanna get back into the game!
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Post by Doobie »

Nothing is official.

Blades made a statement to the effect of "if it doesn't get done by last week, it's likely never going to happen. If I do rebuild the website and people make more work for me by abusing the rules, i'm just gonna shut it down".

So, his deadline has come and gone, there has been no development, presumably that means the website is never to return. But really, you need to hear that from Blades. He needs to either come out and say, i'm still committed to this even if it's behind schedule, or, i can't be bothered, you're on your own. This limbo is probably the worst possible scenario for the myth community. We would be significantly better off if the server just dissappeared rather than have people thinking that maybe, just maybe it might be fixed.

To answer your questions about mnet, there is nothing inherently inferior about it, no missing features. On the contrary, mariusnet is a more full featured and open metaserver where the maintainers are eager to facilitate growth and share access to the vast collection of data collected about games played there. The reason why people don't play there? more people oplay at pmnet. Is that a good reason? No it's an asinine reason given the circumstances. But then nobody said that the myth community as a whole was smart (although I do think there are many very bright people here).

At the very least, Blades could add a link to mnet in his placeholder webpage so as to facilitate the new players that are trying to join in on our dwindling community. Unfortunately he's made it pretty clear he can't be bothered.
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Post by Pyro »

And there are people on Mnet, just that the times you might have checked everyone was gone or on PMnet. One night there were 47 players on Mnet and I'm sure little by little people are getting accounts for Mnet.
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Post by iron »

There's a dozen or so people on mnet as I write this, and most nights (USA time that is) there's on average 20 or so players there. Mnet is far from the wasteland it once was.

Also, although its easy to get an account there, you can login as guest & still play. Mnet supports the Myth II demo as well (version 1.6 of which can play Gimble with players using the full Myth), and there's a wealth of stats/ranking info at - you can even upload films for multiplayer games there. None of these features have ever been supported by playmyth, and in its current broken state you can't get an account there either.

In short, there's no reason why most (but not all) players are on playmyth ... except that they're there. Its inertia & reluctance to move, even though changing servers is so easy.

Its like a mob of sheep - try to make them move somewhere and they'll defy you, but if a few dominant leaders started the move then they'd all follow. Personally, I believe that if the MWC organizers announced that the tourney would be on mnet then we'd see the player base move & the damage to the game's community would cease.

Anyway, back to the point. Depending on your timezone you can get games on mnet :)
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Post by Spaniard »

Could a mod take it upon themselves to make a topic and sticky it saying that everyone should move to Marius? As iron says, just a few leaders need to get the word out that the community needs to move to survive. Looking forward to playing with you all!
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Post by The Elfoid »

MWC07's definitely held on PlayMyth though a change isn't out of the question. So the community isn't gonna all move over just yet.
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Post by Pyro »

I'm guessing there will be some MWC games on Mnet when a player or more can't get on PMnet.
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Post by Baron LeDant »

I'm getting my entire team to get Marius accounts and will try to make us play all our games there
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Post by The Elfoid »

I'm playing it by ear. Might get mine to set some up.
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Post by vinylrake »

The Elfoid wrote:I'm playing it by ear. Might get mine to set some up.
Good god man! What are you waiting for? If you wait until you NEED a mariusnet account (say Playmyth suddenly becomes unavailable), you won't be able to get online to play Myth immediately! Signup NOW and be prepared for the great Myth game server migration of 2007!

Seriously, you don't want to be left behind on an ice flow drifting out to sea by yourself forlornly watching the rest of us (who planned ahead) stepping off the ice and onto the firm ground of mariusnet.
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Post by Contrai »

On the Mariusnet site, it might be a good idea to link to the MythForums site when you click on Forums from any other page besides the front page. Currently it only links when you are at the main page, if you were to click Registration, Downloads or any of the other links, and then click on Forums, it directs to the old Mariusnet forums which is down.
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Post by Frumius »

Excellent, Dant! OoH had a practice last night against TBH on Mnet.

Criminy, Elf! You have no logic. Just get the dang account! There is no waiting. It makes you more flexible, and it's better. Also, the longer you wait the lower in the lobby list you'll be! Hurry!

Contrai, go post on the mythforums site to let PPE know!
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Post by The Elfoid »

VR, Frum...I have had a MariusNet account since January 2004. When I first got into Mything online I thought there was no harm in having it in case of the inevitable conversion someday. It's more about the rest of my team.
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Post by Baron LeDant »

I threatened to cut off my team's (A.S.S) asses if they didn't bend to my will.

Clearly you need to find a way that works for you, but its a good place to start.
I wear a plastic ass on my bag ~ Da Cheeze
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