I know that there shouldn't be more than 400 units visible at the same moment on the map and I have a question. I'll have more than 400 units and I want to know if they can be all visible at start, but then immediately made invisible by scripting (by initially active CTRL). Won't it screw up something? Thanks.
yea im almost certain that would cause a problem. Best bet would be to make them invisibe at start, then stagger them visible then invisible again if you can. But you never know, mb worth a test
I want them to be visible at start, because I use them in MOMA later. Well then, if it cause problems, I think I'll make them invisible and then visible and invisible again, like you wrote Fury. I could just have tested it, but I'm too lazy
You could make the MOMA units visible at start and go invisible immediately, (might be less of a hassle for scripting), but you'd need to make some other units invisible to start, and turn those visible after the MOMA units disappear.
Zeph wrote:im pretty sure you can MOMA invisible units that have never been created..
Really? Heh, I never did it in this way. Anyway, I solved my problem just by making some of them invisible and then visi and invi again. Thanks for your suggestions.
there are some MOMA flags that require units to have been visible before, and some that require that they are visible, and some that it doesnt matter. I can never remember which ones are which though...
Zeph wrote:im pretty sure you can MOMA invisible units that have never been created..
That might be true now, what with all the updates to the game...
Still, I always found that if I used MOMA to bring in a unit that was uncreated (assuming you're doing a monster swap), there would be minor problems--the new unit would appear, but would flicker in and out first, or there would be a delay between the old unit disappearing and the new one reappearing. If you look at old plugs like Chimera, you'll find that mapmakers accounted for it by making the units briefly visible off-camera before using them in the MOMA.
Again, you may be right...especially if you use a GEOM to detect them. I hadn't thought to try again with 1.6.