lank wrote:
the only thing i feel any need or desire to repeat of what people have already said is that there's no good reason for blades not to redirect plamyth to mariusnet, or at least post some information for those who might not know that mariusnet is where to get your myth multiplayer fix.
Given past issues between various people affiliated with the two myth game servers (ignoring the fact that mariusnet is under new management so this rationally, reasonably, logically SHOULDN'T be an issue any more) I wouldn't expect Blades to post a link to mariusnet.
What I thought would be a nice 'gl' to the myth community would have been a link to ANY current myth community site (magma,tain,whatever) so that returning players would have SOME idea where to find people still playing the game.
Not posting ANYTHING about the fact that the community is still active, that there are OTHER sites other than playmyth, that the community existed of places other than PlayMyth and that the community will go on without him or his site, feels more like an big hearty egotistical FU than a friendly or even a neutral goodbye.
But then again, why I would expect the departure of one of the myth community's most divisive personalities to be any different than his presence while he was here is beyond me.
If mythhitler really is Clem, I am sorry to hear that. Clem made some amazing maps, wrote a GREAT colormap tutorial, and presided over an order that had just a phenomenal level of output of really high quality myth maps. Regardless of how people feel personally about him, he has been pretty much a legend in the myth (mapmaking) community. To hear that he quit the community but still feels some obsessive need to come back and snipe or gloat when something like playmyth shutting down happens just feels petty and vindictive. I feel sad that someone is that negatively obsessed about a computer game, but it definitely helps dispel or balance out any residual goodwill or slack people might be willing to grant him because of his previous (substantial) contributions to the community.
And of course if mythhitler is not Clem, but is just some account dummying attention h00r, dude - go find another anthill to stir up, I am sure you can find some alternative place where you can get a bigger reaction.