Bungie's MOMA sequence
Bungie's MOMA sequence
If you look into The Ibis Crown's scripting, there's a sequence of actions, which teleports your units to the other place of the map. Those actions makes your units stop, uncontrollable, invisible, then MOMA, appear and controllable at last. I used similar system in my map, and I wonder why in CTRL.visible effect action (one that makes your units visible after MOMA) there is Received User Control Flag - false and Ignores User Control Flag - false. Why there's false twice? And why there are those two parameteres at all? Are they neccessary?
According to the Loathing Documentation:
Received User Control Flag - Takes a flag, if true denotes that user control is received.
Ignores User Control Flag - Takes a flag, if true monsters ignore user commands.
Received User Control Flag - Takes a flag, if true denotes that user control is received.
Ignores User Control Flag - Takes a flag, if true monsters ignore user commands.
yea those are unecessary flags in the second CTRL, better to be safe then sorry mb. and like you said the third one is pretty strange, on the visible CTRL action is does say "Recieved Use control flag = False"... kind of suprised that even works... guess that is why you need to add both of those flags to make units uncontrollable (Recieved use and Ignores user).