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Post by William Wallet »

Am I the only person who doesn't get the fuss over flesh eating zombies? Honestly... who cares!?

As long as the narrations are kickass, everything else will fall into place. That is where I am hoping this plug will succeed where most usually fail. It was the pregame texts and the unit flavours that made TFL feel so textured; and they did it with only two flavours per unit, as well.
That's my best advice to you people.. write something that grabs people, like "having your eyes frost shut and the snot freeze in your nose". I heard that dialogue for the first time when I was 11 and I haven't stopped playing Myth since.

Grab people. Don't scare them away with hype. Or vitriol.
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Post by vinylrake »

lank wrote: it's entirely possible for you to come out of this gracefully, ren, if you'll just stop being a hypersensitive idiot about the naming thing. frankly, we'd be over it if you didn't keep lashing out like a child at the perceived injustice of everything. it's your project and you can call it what you like; we've all outlined what we think about you calling it myth 4 and why. and we are happy (or many of us were, until recent outbursts - i'm less sure now) to support the project insomuch as it's a big TC for myth 2, using new features added to the engine over bungie's last official patch. such a thing would be more than cool, especially this late in the game, and i'd love to see something new and innovative that makes use of all the new features available to us - that seems to be what you're promising, and i, for one, haven't been poo-pooing the idea that you can release something good, if not even great as you aspire to be.
I am still hoping that The Wind Age will get finished/released, and I don't mean this next bit as a critique of the skills or drive of anyone working on this project, but this latest batch of unprovoked lashing out at people makes me wonder if the project is maybe drying up - e.g. winding down, and Ren is looking for a way to exit the myth community stage in a self-righteous huff so he won't have to be around when everyone realizes that The Wind Age isn't ever going to be released.

Again, I am still hoping I am wrong, I even WANT to be wrong but part of me wonders how much further along the project would be if the level of energy put into 'self-defense' and attacking anyone who says anything remotely negative about using the title 'Myth IV' had been spent working on the actual project.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PROVE ME WRONG! Show me _something_, ANYTHING that hints that this project is out of the planning / design stage (e.g. anything more than conceptual artwork and lists of units) and is actually being constructed!!! Unit images? Screen shots of maps? Pix of new special attacks? Something? Anything? PLEASE!
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Post by Orlando the Axe »

who cares, stop posting on forums and make the plugin.
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Post by Arthim »

Am I missing something here? Last I heard, Myth 4 was a separate game not a plugin.
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Post by Death's Avatar »

Arthim wrote:Am I missing something here? Last I heard, Myth 4 was a separate game not a plugin.
If I understand it correctly, it is just a plugin. A plugin on a grand scale, with tons of awesome stuff, and dreams of someday being a pull fledged game (that's the pitching it to Take 2 and other companies part), but really just a plugin. That's what the early part of this thread/ other threads on the topic were discussing.
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Post by £N »

It can't be a stand-alone until the rights are somehow plucked from an uncaring Take 2, but that can't happen until someone shows that this game is worth investing in. It's a catch 22 that ren wishes to address by calling his plug myth 4 in the hopes of actually being given a chance to create a brand new myth title.

If you know a better way to achieve that aim, I am sure ren is open to suggestion. But if not then leave your snide comments to yourself, please, and support ren by not provoking him into giving excuses for his game's existence.

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Post by vinylrake »

£N wrote:If you know a better way to achieve that aim, I am sure ren is open to suggestion. But if not then leave your snide comments to yourself, please, and support ren by not provoking him into giving excuses for his game's existence.

I'm not here to split hairs. I'm here to support things myth-related and to see these projects succeed.
I would love to see The Wind Age project succeed as well, and if the authors can sell the concept/demo they create in Myth II to Take2 or somehow convince some other company to buy the rights to Myth so the project can be released as some kind of uber conversion like the commercial "Green Berets: Powered by Myth II" title Take2 released several years back, then more power to them. BUT, calling this as-yet-unseen Myth II conversion "Myth 4" is just not a good idea - for all the reasons that have been articulated and hashed out here over and over again.

Of course the development team is under no obligation to listen or agree with the forum responses and explanations as to why calling the project "Myth 4" is not a good idea, but their stubborn insistence in continuing to call the project "Myth 4" in the face of all the arguments and the large negative backlash seems pointless and childish because it seems to serve no constructive purpose - other than provoking a reaction in the community. Of course if that IS the intent - to provoke the community - and it's all just a strategy to get people talking about the project, than I take back my comment about it being pointless.
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Post by Renwood »

Im doing my part! Are you doing yours? Playmyth online at
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Post by vinylrake »

coolness, i look forward to seeing the wind age progress reports.
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Post by lank »

look, i don't want more flames, and maybe i'm thus a fool responding to this, but:
Not to be mean but you guys seem to be a bit nasty about stuff and like to complain it seems.
this completely dismisses everything everyone said, including you.

it's perfectly fine for you to dismiss people's reasons for holding concerns over the "myth 4" part of your title. it's practically a non issue now, and that's fine by me. as long as it doesn't result in attention that gets magma's coding operation shut down, i'm happy enough.

it's the accusing everyone else of being "a bit nasty about stuff" when you come out with things like this:
Hey wanker that post was like 2 weeks old.

play more myth mb WW instead of haunting forums posting on old ass shit.
and this:
Go suck an egg lank.
when it's completely uncalled for. saying you don't provoke much here, in the face of those facts, are like a certain member of saddam hussein's government claiming, while US tanks are driving down the streets of baghdad, that the iraqi army is driving american forces back into the sea - no small disconnect from reality there! you may not provoke often, but that's not the same as not provoking much.

saying we're all a bit nasty, too, is just as far removed and wrong. we had criticisms for one of your decisions, and justified them, despite your disagreement, but no one was nasty until exactly your shocked reaction that we didn't all agree that calling it myth 4 was the greatest idea ever. people continued explaining, generally without obvious flamebait, and you kept getting upset. the overwhelming majority of responses to your announcement, despite any disagreements over "myth 4", were anything but nasty, i thought. i'm curious, now, what you do consider nasty.

really, i don't care what you think of me personally - my skin's thick enough about people on the web, though i'd like for there to be no animosity between us after any of this shit - but at least have a handle on reality when you talk about what's gone down. that much i can't not ask for.
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Post by Renwood »

Im doing my part! Are you doing yours? Playmyth online at
Last edited by Renwood on Thu Dec 20, 2007 5:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by lank »

hey, i only quoted what was relevant, so it would be clear exactly what i was responding to; it's not my problem if your words are coming back as evidence that you're just trolling.

do you have a real response to anything i've said? even if you don't care (it's only an internet forum, after all, and you say you have more worthwhile things to be doing than trolling on them - oh wait! you are trolling an internet forum after all!), am i wrong in any of it? if you say i am, would you bother to explain?

i would have enjoyed being enthusiastic about your project, watching its progress, getting involved in playing betas and so on. now, i'm sorry, but you've shot yourself in the fucking foot. if this thread was ever about the wind age, you've made it well and truly just about you now. well done.

there's a lot more i wouldn't mind saying, but really, what's the point?
yeah, i guess so. (oh noes, i quoted again!)

my, but if this doesn't feel like the old days again, and not in a very good way. :?

seriously, if this isn't your normal behaviour and something outside myth is bothering you into it, get help; talk to someone and get it off your chest, even if you only need someone to bend an ear for you once.
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Post by carlinho »

I think this thread is going nowhere and is a picture of what's going on in the community lately
too little things getting done and too much talking and fighting

I think it's pretty clear everybody hates renwood for naming his plugin myth 4
so the point is taken, not to offend anyone, it's the last thing I would like to happen,
but I believe the most civilized and practical thing to do is to close this thread, forget differences, and move on.

If the wind age when it's done it's amazing, then good for the community
if the wind age sucks, then all this talking is useless
if the wind age tries to be called myth 4 and it's amazing=well, open a new thread at that time and discuss how bad that name could harm the community
and if the wind age tries to be called myth 4 and it sucks= then no one even take 2 would bother at would be considered a childish act with no meaning.

myth 1.7 is on the works, good things can come...

and here somebody threw gasoline and we keep adding fire to it...
let it die...
it won't die if we keep going at it...

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Post by lank »

good post, carl. for what it's worth, i'd be surprised if anyone hated ren for "myth 4" - really surprised. maybe think it's a bad idea for various reasons, but not hate. if there's any reason to hate ren, it's for how he's been behaving, nothing else. but even so, it's no point hating; it's not worth putting that much effort into it.

i look forward to the wind age coming out. i hope it's good. i'll be impressed and pleased if it turns out to be worthy of the myth 4 title, moreso if he actually gets it published as such as a separate title.
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Post by William Wallet »

Just call it Myst 4.

See what happens.

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