...to start a new thread to say:
Conversations would run their natural course and potential fires would die out more quickly if we all limited our opinions and explanations to what each of us thinks/feels ourselves.
In other words, let's not have so many (any) lengthy posts where person D gives a lengthy defense and explains the motivations of person D to person C of what person A said to person B.
key: Feel free to replace (IN YOUR MIND, If you say it out loud or post your guesses the happy badger will be sent to your house to gnaw your genitals off) the capitalized letters in the above sentence (except for the letter I) with your (least) favorite magma forum personalities.
The Happy Badger commanded me...
The Happy Badger commanded me...
Lots of Myth stuff at http://mythgraveyard.org.
Sometimes I put hard to find stuff in my my Udogs folder.
Sometimes I put hard to find stuff in my my Udogs folder.
Actually, Frum didn't say that quite right, I know Frum from back in the days when he was a young whippersnapper and I taught him the wightblast maneoever he fell in love with and adopted as his 'signature' tactic, and I am more than sure that what Frum really meant to say was [blam][blamming] [blam] [blam] [blammity] [blam] [blam] [blam] [blaming] [blam]....Frumius wrote:This is just the second time in as many days that I've heard about this "happy badger."
Allow me to explain what vr means:
//error: maximum per post blammage count exceeded.//
Lots of Myth stuff at http://mythgraveyard.org.
Sometimes I put hard to find stuff in my my Udogs folder.
Sometimes I put hard to find stuff in my my Udogs folder.
When the badger commands you it's best not to question 'why?'.oogaBooga wrote:This post was so necessary.
Lots of Myth stuff at http://mythgraveyard.org.
Sometimes I put hard to find stuff in my my Udogs folder.
Sometimes I put hard to find stuff in my my Udogs folder.