Recommend me a fan mission

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Recommend me a fan mission

Post by Uberskooper »

I have recently rejoined the Myth community after not playing it since high school. Now it's practically all I play in the little time I have for games.

I've always wanted to play a level that is a small number of dwarves pitted against a great hoard of thrall. The gore effects were one of the things that drew me in as a dumb kid, and I still enjoy landing a grenade in the feeling of slow moving bad guys. What would you recommend?
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Re: Recommend me a fan mission

Post by vinylrake »

Uberskooper wrote:I've always wanted to play a level that is a small number of dwarves pitted against a great hoard of thrall. The gore effects were one of the things that drew me in as a dumb kid, and I still enjoy landing a grenade in the feeling of slow moving bad guys. What would you recommend?
There's really hacky plugin called 'IwishIhadMoreDorfs' which converts all STANDARD (light) bungie units to dorfs. You might try that on something like Stair of Grief or any other bungie level you can think of with waves of thrall. Not sure if the MAgma FAllen LEvels 5 champions level would convert or not - that has a lot of thrall at different points.

ps. Welcome Back!
Lots of Myth stuff at
Sometimes I put hard to find stuff in my my Udogs folder.
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