Vengeance for mac? - Does it exist

A forum for discussing map making ideas and problems for the Myth series.
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Post by Deaths Avatar »

The latest news that I can find on Vengeance for mac is from 2001...anybody know what the story is...or where I can find it if it does exist. Thank You.
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Post by CIK »

Yes it does currently has some display issues under OS X along with some other problems, but it does exist.
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Post by Death's Avatar »

Is it an available to anybody kind of existence?
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Post by Krusader »

I think there is a beta Vengeance on udogs, but I think it runs in OS9. Not really sure.

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Post by CIK »

If MythDev/PlayMyth don't make there version & source available to the public we will make ours available. While we have spent 4 hours on it in the last 6 months, they have spent 6 months on theres. I'm sort of waiting to see what they do.
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Post by Flip »

MythDev is dead and PlayMyth has nothing to do with the tool, however FlyingFlip will be releasing their tools for world creation as soon as they are ready.
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Post by Krusader »

Blades is associated with and is redirected to Anyways, maybe Myth 3 does have a chance of being succesful to a certain extent with these updates and the added bonus of working mapmaking tools.

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Post by Vampyro »

if 'GOOD" mapmaking tools come out for M3 I am pretty sure it will get much more patrons
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Post by CIK »

While certain people enjoy withholding there work from the public until they have polished ever tiny crack of is something that needs a lot of polish, it has had basically no work done to it in a year but I think it's been hidden in a hole for too long now....
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Post by Flip »

Nice release. Shame that all of the key features in it are still broken and the tool is useless for making new things.

We prefer to release something that works and is usefull CIK. Thats the biggest difference between us and you. :) You release half-baked shit that doesn't work. We release "Release-Quality" things people enjoy. Thanks for clarifying that.

Here is what a polished tool looks like. And it's coming sooner than you expect. :-D
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Post by Graydon »

Bah Clem...shut up :( We're all looking forward to your release...but some people are impatient. That copy of vengeance allowed me to at least poke around M3's internal tags for the first time ever....Personally I enjoyed doing it. Waiting another 5 weeks or however long it will take you to 'make it ready' is still....when it's ready. Not now. GG.
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Post by grasshopper »

Flip wrote:Nice release. Shame that all of the key features in it are still broken and the tool is useless for making new things.

We prefer to release something that works and is usefull CIK. Thats the biggest difference between us and you. :) You release half-baked shit that doesn't work. We release "Release-Quality" things people enjoy. Thanks for clarifying that.

Here is what a polished tool looks like. And it's coming sooner than you expect. :-D
Hello, "flip,"

That movie seems to show a pretty cool app, and I'm sure it's going to be quite helpful to people working on Myth 3 -- those folks have good reason to be stoked.

However, allow me to ask a small favor. Calling someone's work "shit," is kind of a subjective call and not very nice, is it really necessary? It's bordering on libel, don't you think? Does Microsoft's Mac business unit call, say, Applework's dev builds "shit" on a public forum? I think not.

Thanks for keeping your speech professional on these public forums.

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Post by haravikk »

Flip wrote:You release half-baked shit that doesn't work.

There's a bit of a difference between saying "Here, our wonderful new tool is ready, use it all you like" and "it has had basically no work done to it in a year but I think it's been hidden in a hole for too long now...."

One is a release, one is just making what we have available. A lot of functionality is there and is useful, things can be made in it. It has bugs, but we're well aware of them and not making any effort to pretend they won't be there when someone downloads that build CIK linked to.

I personally was looking forward to seeing this new tool by "flying flip", but now I think I'd prefer to be using "half-baked shit" that doesn't have an elitist, arrogant and downright repugnant attitude associated with it.

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Post by Myrd »

Also, until you actually release your Tool and prove that it is quality, rather than just show movies and screen shots - you have no ground to critique what we have released. Once you actually release your excellent, bug free tool, then you can make your argument, until then - you shouldn't talk. Anyone can make quicktime movies that look great - but until you have the real thing out, and prove that it is as great as you claim it is, you can't bash what we've released.
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Post by Flip »

{no use.... reply deleted}
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