
A forum for solving problems that might be encountered during installation, updating, or in game.
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Post by killerking »

Allright, I'm annoying myself at this for 3 years:

When I watch a replay my own team is always red, just like the other teams. It pretty confusing to see myself fighting multiple enemies in things like koth ffa and that annoys me. How to get my own units green??? I use the 2.9.0 build with Myth 1.6 universal on mac. With green berets installed.

Please help me, Killerking.

Ok another thing that annoys me, why does Myth have a max number of replays that show on the list??? Can't you let Myth switch between 2 maps of replay's? (like 1 for coop and 1 for multiplayer games, if you play for 3 years it would be pretty handy :P) If you have more then it allows the first ones (alphabetic) just don't show on the list.
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Post by Myrd »

How many replays do you have?
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Post by vinylrake »

just move your films into a folder every few months and include the date you moved the films in the folder name so you can find things if you ever need to go back.


see your doctor and about a prescription to help you overcome this compulsion you have to save every game you've ever played.
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Post by Graydon »

King -

In any multi player map, there's usually more than 1 team. Team 0 is always 'the players' team, but naturally in a multi there's more than 1 player. Other players take up slots of team 1, team 2 etc etc.

In a SOLO game, any teams marked OTHER than team 0, are considered enemies. This same default takes place when viewing a film. Thats why every player has team colours... to distinguish them. If you toggle your overhead map using F8, you can switch whether the map shows 'friend/foe' or 'team'. If set to team, your team colours show up on the overhead, as well as on the units themselves. Using these two methods, you _should_ be able to figure out which units are yours. If not, is it really worth saving the film?
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Post by killerking »

The f8 button only changes the colors on the overhead map, at the first mode ALL units are shown red on the minimap, and on the other team colors are shown on the minimap. But my actual units are still red. :(


Oh and i have alot of replay's, while i don't save all of them.

Picture: Image

You can see my units in the green circle, they are RED as hell.
Thank you.
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Post by lank »

i believe all units appear as red-bordered in replays these days. once upon a time team 0 would appear as blue and other teams red in films.
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Post by Graydon »

Right King. Like I explained, unless you started with Team 0, the units in a replay will never show up as green as yours. Think of it this way: Films aren't possessive. What if you saved a replay, then sent that replay to another one of the players in that game who forgot to save the film. It would be the exact same game, but if it was _your_ film, then HIS units would show up red.

The way it's set up now, films can be sent to any other individual... whether they were in the game or not. If they were never in the game, how would myth know which units belonged to them? It couldnt. So it does it this way.

Make your colours more audacious if you really cant see your units on the battlefield.

Like I said before... if you use the Team's on Overhead in conjunction with looking at your colours on the units themselves under the area the overhead says your colour is... you should be able to figure it out. If you cant... tough luck :/
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Post by killerking »

I'm actually more pissed of because when I get replay's from other players, their team is green. And when I save a replay, my units NEVER show up in green (except for coop). I think my computer knows i'm team 0 but just doesn't show it.

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Post by vinylrake »

probably you did something to upset your computer and it's intentionally showing your units in red just to piss you off.
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Post by killerking »

It just sucks. Maybe this could be fixed in 1.7? Because I like to look back at what I did good or wrong in a game.

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