Haven't seen this title in a while- and it seems that it was just added to the M2 archives. Wasn't there a time when this Myrk Giant stuff was almost as popular as WW2 or any other 3rd party plug?
I never got into it myself- I just remember seeing tons of people playing it- and it seemed to be just a quick way to win and lose ranking points.
Well, I think it was a hit with the ww2 crowd, as there is only 1 unit type (giant) so the balance was pretty perfect, just differing skill levels (and the ability to hoor against newbs). Also its similar to raid...
If I had changed the colourmap, it wouldn't be gfg. And you know how change angers people ! They didn't even download what I made. They continued to play bugged Koth and scream about people using the myrks.