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Myth 3 website is up.

Post by Falcon »

Please Register yourself ,and participate in forums

Myth 3 Website is A Project of Falcon for Myth Community. Forums are open get yourself in and talk about M3 on M2 engine .
Last edited by Falcon on Mon May 04, 2009 4:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DarthRevan555 »

o_O wtf
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Post by Death's Avatar »

DarthRevan555 wrote:o_O wtf

Heh, did you not know about this one revan?
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Post by Falcon »

LMAO , Gift :P
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Post by Graydon »

um. Wow. lol?

I love how all the screenshots are ones from all the work Gizmo has done personally. Love how you claim credit for it all right at the top of the page.

If I'm not mistaken, Gizmo still has all the rights in the world to take this project away from you.... or at least, all the tags involved in it so far.

Be careful.

And do a bit of proofreading. The grammar is terrible.
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Post by DarthRevan555 »

Don't look at me I didn't set this shit up. I was looking at the grammar and said I did not claim any copy rights.

What work? I did those myself (if you mean by the same maps then nvm)

What rights? You can't take away the rights to build a plugin for m2. Tags were not taken from Gizmo at all, tags were all from that bag of tags web. I extracted the rest from M3 directly.

Stop being so negative and take some joy in seeing new plugins being made for this game.

at this point I've had no real help from Gizmo, everything you see (except this web thing wtf) is created by me.

and at this point, with all the negativity I could really care less about rights and stuff. My original intention was just to create this plugin for myself only but it was such a great project I wanted to take pride in it knowing I would have to do everything myself :). I thank all the people who have actually helped me (even falcon for encouragement).
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Post by Graydon »

Sorry Revan, that post wasnt totally directed at you, I ahd a feeling Falcon did this on his own, and I'm slapping his wrist.

There are a number of screenshots on that website, he has your name on it, and the screenshots are GIZMOs work.

I'd suggest getting in touch with him and making sure it comes offline asap.

I don't discourage your dedication to making something great, but I've seen too many different mapmaking factions do EXACTLY what you're doing now. Biting off more than you can chew, then telling the whole world about it, while your mouth is open, still chewing.

I learned this lesson about 6 years ago on the forums. Have you heard much about The Fallen's Vengeance lately? No. Does that mean it's dead? No.

The longer we stay quiet abotu the amazingness we're working on, the more HOLY FUCK WOW factor we get when stuff finally gets released.

I think you're trying to show off your work too soon here. We appreciate updates and knowing that you're working on something new and great... but as it is, it doesnt _look_ great. So until it really has some of that wow factor, just tell us whats going on behind the scenes.

Once you've got together what you feel you can call finalized maps... show us them! :D

Sorry if I came off sounding like a total downer... I'm just trying to give some constructive criticism from a book I've learned alot from. And you can feel good taking my advice, cause i know EXACTLY what it's like doing HUGE amounts of work alone. Trust me. Millions of bytes of data worth of knowledge.
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Post by DarthRevan555 »

I looked at the 14 screens he has on there. those are the ones i made a while ago from cmaps i drew up. (you can tell its mine cuz of a bug where the letters appeared pink)

Yeah I had a feeling that I was broadcasting too much. Now I'm setting up for any info to become more private. I was just releasing info in the hopes I might be able to pick up a few people interested in helping me (preferably fear & loathing work but at least play testers for finished products).

Next time you'll see any updates public will just be place on my website alone... which gives me another reason to sit down and code a new page lol :)
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Post by Falcon »

I think I got rid of that copyright stuff in end .......... The screen shots album name is now converted into M3 screen shots only so nothing will be effected , Yeah I just took permission from Revan and some of his screen shots ... Rest of that web design is mine ..... Actually these are public forums .
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Post by Falcon »

Ah so it favors me in 2 way , Revan's plugin get forums and my web designing potential is nourished ....... :) :idea:
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Post by Falcon »

CRAP ~ Finally I got website in touch , Hope everyone will be happy now .
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Post by GodzFire »

So wait, Falcon took crap from both Gizmo and Revan without their permission and took it as his own?
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Post by Falcon »

GodzFire wrote:So wait, Falcon took crap from both Gizmo and Revan without their permission and took it as his own?
Either you havent seen website OR u are trying to solely pin me .
FFS dont reply to topics when u dont know what is happening .
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Post by Killswitch »

My 2¢ on the website: I absolutely DESPISE sites that automatically play music. Maybe I already have iTunes playing music, or perhaps I'm on a shared computer with the speakers (accidentally) turned way up. Either way, the 'surprise' of hearing music (or an annoying ad congratulating me on having 'WON A NINTENDO WII!') turns me off before I can even get into the site.

Just my opinion. I wish you the best of luck with your plugin.
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Post by vinylrake »

I have to disagree with KillSwitch here about music on websites, because when I am at work in a shared office of 5-6 coworkers there's nothing I like more than to have some webpage I am looking at on my lunch break start filling the office with mad loud tunage.

Non music-related sites that automatically play music = teh bombas.
Last edited by vinylrake on Mon May 04, 2009 4:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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