Should Bungie Downloadable maps be mandatory? (Via update.)

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Should Bungie Downloadable maps be mandatory? (Via update.)

No. (If you could explain, please do)
Total votes: 20

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Post by iron »

I vote for RDF to be included in 1.7, overriding all standard Myth gameplay unless the players enter a secret code of some kind, such as taunting all herons at the 2 minute mark or making at least one wight self-destruct within range of a friendly duff surrounded by your archers (the code to change randomly every 2 days). Now that's change I can believe in!

Myth 1.7. Yes we can.
...playing as long5hot on War Thunder
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William Wallet
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Post by William Wallet »

Graydon wrote:

What is wrong with CHANGE people? Thats the real question, not whether we should include maps or not, what the hell is wrong with Change? Cause it's that big gripe that people seem to have issues with. They want everything to be the same as it has for 10 years.

I think some of us are choosy over whether it's good change, or just change for the sake of boredom.

Come on dude .. you're talking to a community of modders, it's because of those guys that things weren't bog standard for 10 years, but mildly interesting and at times downright fun.
If they think there's a good reason for not including maps as standard with 1.7, then I'm willing to bet there's a good rationale behind it.

I agree with what vinyl said at any rate. If letting the finished maps in means that we also have to have the unbalanced stuff, then I'd rather just pick and choose what plugins I'm going to download.
Okay I got the models but now I'm too dumb to do anything with 'em
Jon God
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Post by Jon God »

Gholsbane wrote:Hehe, people *are* arguing that they aren't up to par with the built in maps, because some of them aren't :)

Also, what constitutes a Bungie map? No one can seem to agree on that one either.

Also, there are maps that some people consider *better* than those maps, some of which weren't even completed. Bungie never really packaged those maps as "official", they just made them for fun and put them out there, just like any other 3rd party map.
Too me it seems that no one is arguing about including Leagues from Nowhere, Boil and Bubble and Pheonix Rising.

So if people are complaining about the other maps, then fine don't include them.

As for 'what constitutes a Bungie map'? I would say something made by bungie themselves, All the Myth 2 maps, all the Myth 1 maps, and the 5 done by bungie that didn't ship with the product. While Vista Cartel and Badlands might have had Bungie members in them, they were released under their own banner, with different styles then the ones found in the normal Bungie maps.

Bungie didn't package the maps with the game because for the first 2, Cryptic Wightings and Going to Town, because they were never finished. The other 3, Leagues from Nowhere, Boil and Bubble and Pheonix Rising were not released because they were complete post release. Another reason was that at the time the majority of people still had 56K modems, making any download far too big for most players of myth, so bundling it with an update would have been unwise.

I agree with Gray, while I don't like WoW, I believe they have it down, include some new content with updates, constantly adding to the life of the game. I don't think one could argue with this.
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