Recently got a copy of TFL, then updated to 1.5 to get it to work, problem im having with it is the resolutions between the menu screens and the gameplay, menus are small, and gameplay is fine. Im running on xp and tried lower desktop resolutions, but that only made the menu a little larger, then i changed the resolutions to 640X480 at progam start up, that worked for the menu but then gameplay became really small and then going back to menu it to stayed small. So im at a real loss as to what to do to correct this issue. Hope you guys can help.
Newbie ? with Myth TFL resolution
Re: Newbie ? with Myth TFL resolution
There is no way around this. The main menu is 640x480 as it has always been, while the game can use your desktop's resolution. It could be fixed if the magma devs decided to work on it, however I don't think they will. Myth II is the more popular of the Myth games and ever since vTFL mode was implemented, there hasn't been much reason to update TFL.
The "vTFL" (Virtual TFL) mode makes Myth 2 behave like TFL. Magma even released The Fallen Levels, a plugin of the TFL single player maps as well as the TFL Multiplayer Pack for TFL multiplayer maps. Both can be found in the Tain.
The "vTFL" (Virtual TFL) mode makes Myth 2 behave like TFL. Magma even released The Fallen Levels, a plugin of the TFL single player maps as well as the TFL Multiplayer Pack for TFL multiplayer maps. Both can be found in the Tain.
Re: Newbie ? with Myth TFL resolution
Thank you for clarifying that.