Melekor wrote: If you can't get it to work, I can send you a prefs file that will start myth in windowed mode. Then hopefully we can fix whatever causes this in the first place, for the next version.
My computer doesn't have an ATI or Nvidia card; it uses an Intel Graphics Media Accelerator for Mobile display driver running on the Mobile Intel 4 Series Express chipset adapter (GMA 4500, 128Mb). When I dive into the adapter advanced properties, I can list the valid modes it supports, which includes 640x480, 256-color or 16 bit, but frustratingly, the Vista display settings interface only allows me to scale the resolution down to 800x600, 16 bit; it has no provision for a 640x480 mode. I did reinstall the display drivers with a fresh download from Toshiba and restarted Vista; deleted my preferences files; re-ran the 1.7 installer with the Modern build: no success. On launch, the screen flickers black then drops to the desktop.
I would welcome a prefs file that would allow me to get around this! If I understand you correctly, I should just need it once for an initial launch of the Modern build, then I can set my preference to a compatible resolution. That would rule.
Sorry about turning this thread into a tech support exercise. I really just wanted to share why I was using Classic and to see if anyone else had a similar experience. I can take this to another thread if necessary. Thanks.