Myth II 1.7 Final

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Re: Myth II 1.7 Final

Post by devSin »

In The Forge (25 soulblighter), the lava bubbles that are supposed to run on the lava media aren't being drawn (except for the small region under Soulblighter's cliff model). Under 1.3, the lava bubbles correctly draw, but with 1.7 (any rendering under Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X), they don't show up. If you edit the lava media and disable "Doesn't reflect," the bubbles then correctly appear in 1.7. (The fish and small fish for water media do appear correctly in the maps that use them.)

This 1.3 film for the Relic level (18 Tain Shard) goes out of sync two minutes in and ends in a loss. It seems like the movement of the mauls may be different from 1.3 (I only watched it once in 1.3, but I think the mauls don't rush up the hill there). (Here's another 1.3 film of the same map which OOSs under the same circumstances but at a different time and place.)
"OOS occurred at line 1132 in /Myth/Myth2Code/monster_commands.c - game time: 3604"

This 1.3 film for The Ibis Crown (16 catacombs mesh) also goes out of sync around 22 minutes in. Also, if you hit Caps Lock when the taunting myrkridia are encountered (around the 2:30 mark) with the default settings ("Selection Boxes"), the red selection boxes will sometimes stick around even when the ghost myrkridia fade all the way out (there are a couple whose boxes stick around for a good amount of time 3 minutes in); not really a big deal, though.
"OOS occurred at line 1132 in /Myth/Myth2Code/monster_commands.c - game time: 39071"

(The originals of these films can be found here. All the other films in the single.sit archive play back successfully. Some are also pretty funny to boot.)
I wrote:BTW, in the PowerPC build, when Interface Transparency is enabled and the software renderer is used, the dominating selected unit portrait, unit spelling and names, and the minimap toggle button are fully opaque.
Just to note, this is also the case in Mac OS 9 with software rendering (but not with RAVE).

If possible, should the hit by friend and hit friend sounds not trigger when the damager and damagee are the same object (i.e., a dwarf that gets caught by his own bottle explosion)?

On slower systems at least, it's easy to make Loathing crash by quickly closing a map after opening it (always while it's still executing draw_good_guys, it seems). An example crash log.

Unlike Fear 1.2, tags inside plugins now show up in bold text, but when you first edit them, the text isn't made plain (if you close and reopen the group window, the tag name will then correctly be plain instead of bold). If the tag comes from one of the monolithic archives, then the text is immediately made plain when the tag edit window is closed.

Can Fear be made to read poweruser.txt and have an option there so that it always launches as if the Shift key were being held down (or just make Fear always load everything, because there's no real reason not to)? Fear should also load 1.7 templates (Loathing already does, of course).

When Command+Tabbing out of Myth, the text fields (in the Multiplayer Setup dialog, for example) are responding to the Tab (focus shifts to the next field).

The hardcoded "Servers..." button in the Multiplayer Setup (net select protocol) dialog doesn't need and shouldn't have the ellipsis... button label not fit its button make me sad. :-)
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Re: Myth II 1.7 Final

Post by Myrd »

Thanks for the detailed report! We'll see what we can do.
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Re: Myth II 1.7 Final

Post by devSin »

Sorry, forgot: Mac OS X 10.4.11 PPC, Myth II 1.7 Universal Build 329
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Re: Myth II 1.7 Final

Post by GodzFire »

Liger posted some "user input" today in my 1.7 topic on MWC forums:
ok it used to be when you left click an enemy it attacks all the units. now when you left click the enemy it only attacks the units u clicked on (serks for example).

it used to be when you shift click an enemy it attacks JUST that unit type you shift clicked. now when you shift click an enemy I DONT KNOW WHAT THE *cruiser* IT DOES.

double shift click seems to be unaffected.

until this problem is solved, *cruiser* you project magma. for 11 years ive had this system and you go and *cruiser* with it. *cruiser* you seriously, how could you be dumb enough to overlook this error?

fixing trow magic dirt was mad gj tho so ill still use 1.7 but FUUUUUU-
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Re: Myth II 1.7 Final

Post by Jon God »

GodzFire wrote:Liger posted some "user input" today in my 1.7 topic on MWC forums:
ok it used to be when you left click an enemy it attacks all the units. now when you left click the enemy it only attacks the units u clicked on (serks for example).

it used to be when you shift click an enemy it attacks JUST that unit type you shift clicked. now when you shift click an enemy I DONT KNOW WHAT THE *cruiser* IT DOES.

double shift click seems to be unaffected.

until this problem is solved, *cruiser* you project magma. for 11 years ive had this system and you go and *cruiser* with it. *cruiser* you seriously, how could you be dumb enough to overlook this error?

fixing trow magic dirt was mad gj tho so ill still use 1.7 but FUUUUUU-

Man, with an attitude like that.....
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Re: Myth II 1.7 Final

Post by Melekor »

Why does everyone here take Liger so seriously? He seems like an obvious troll to me; this post being a case in point. There is no way that left clicking is bugged and he is the first one to notice it. Left clicking is the most used function in the entire game, and 1.7 final has been out for 6 weeks!
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Re: Myth II 1.7 Final

Post by Doobie »

because, as unfortunate as it is, every release is a fucking PR battle.
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Re: Myth II 1.7 Final

Post by devSin »

When editing monster tags in Fear 1.7.0 (Mac OS X 10.4.11; PPC), if you open the Sequences editor window before saving, any changes made to the attacks are discarded when the tag is saved. To test, you can open "12 journeyman" (for example), double-click the "journeyman shovel swing" attack to edit it, and change some values (ranges, repetitions, flags, even the sequences themselves) and press OK when done. Now, before saving the tag, click the Sequences button to bring up the window, hit Cancel when it comes up (that's right; you don't even have to make changes!), and finally save the tag (press OK). When you reopen "12 journeyman," all the changes made to the attack are gone. If you reverse the order (hit Sequences first) or open any of the other windows after editing attacks, the changes you make will be preserved. I believe this is an old bug (like TagEdit-old), but it sucks.

Is it possible to make the solo epilogue dismissible? All the pre-game screens can be skipped, but then you have to sit there for Nine Hours Crocodile with that dumb text inching its way up the screen. Unless I'm truthfully playing the solo campaign, sitting there with that thing going on and on and on is like chewing glass. :-)

In the view replay list, if you have more than 3 entries and delete the third or lower (lower down in the list) replay, the replay directly prior becomes selected. If you then select the first replay in the list, the information pane for the replay doesn't update. E.g., select the third replay in the list and delete it: the second replay is selected and has its information show up, and if you click the first replay, the information won't be updated (clicking any replay in the list other than the first updates the pane appropriately). If you click View Film or double-click the entry or whatever while the first replay is selected but the information pane is wrong, you correctly get the first replay (i.e., this appears cosmetic-only).

Loathing's log header still says "Loathing 1.5.2 running under ..." when it's launched. I think I reported running the wrong version somewhere because of this.
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Re: Myth II 1.7 Final

Post by Pyro »

Loathing for PC doesn't state what version it is running in the log. I tried PC Fear to see if it has the issue you stated about sequences overriding other changes. It didn't happen for it, so I guess it is a Mac issue only.
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Re: Myth II 1.7 Final

Post by Graydon »

I'll verify that mac issue about the attacks tab / sequences tab. I've noticed this quirk before, but never been able to pin it down to the degree DevSin has. That's most certainly what's going on though. Nice find man. You're going to be giving Pyro a good run for his money when it comes to bug tester extraordinaire :D
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Re: Myth II 1.7 Final

Post by Jon God »

Graydon wrote:I'll verify that mac issue about the attacks tab / sequences tab. I've noticed this quirk before, but never been able to pin it down to the degree DevSin has. That's most certainly what's going on though. Nice find man. You're going to be giving Pyro a good run for his money when it comes to bug tester extraordinaire :D
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Re: Myth II 1.7 Final

Post by devSin »

When viewing replays, although you can see underwater units, if you try to select them, they only become selected for a brief moment (any previous selection is lost, and the underwater unit you click on has its portrait and info show up in the status bar, but it gets immediately deselected). In the attached film, if you speed things up until the thrall march into the deep water, you can then switch to normal speed and try to select one of them; the unit should select and then immediately deselect (the wight in the pool to the right, with its head above water, can be selected). (Myth II 1.7.0; Mac OS X 10.4.11; PPC)
Try to select the underwater thrall
(1.97 KiB) Downloaded 144 times
When renaming replays, if you choose the same name as an existing replay, an "Are you sure?" prompt comes up. Even if you choose to Replace the existing file, nothing actually happens (the replay you were renaming retains its original name, and the replay with the same name isn't touched). (If the replay is saved from a campaign win/loss screen, where you get to choose the name to save as, then the overwriting is successful.)

Myth's confirmation alerts (when saving a game with the name of an existing save, choosing to delete a saved game, deleting a film, or naming or renaming a film using an existing name) don't support keyboard commands (mainly, hitting Esc to cancel). You have to use the mouse to confirm or deny the operation.

(Mac-pimp:) It might be nice if Command-S and Command-O worked as shortcuts to open the game menu (Command-Q already does but might just be an event from the stub application menu) or preferably (if possible) directly open the Save Game or Continue Saved Game dialogs.

Selecting Windowed mode from the Myth II launcher doesn't enable Windowed for the Myth II preferences. The game will launch in a window, but unless you also select Windowed from the game preferences, the game will switch to fullscreen once you start a game (even if the resolution is less than the current screen resolution). If you trash the preferences folder and launch Myth, the default for the launcher is Windowed mode (yuck), but if you go into the game preferences, Windowed isn't selected.
Kinda, the preferred Mac behavior would be to have one of either the launcher or the game option and to support dynamic mode switching, but I still don't think they should exist mostly independent of each other (not launching windowed will disable the game option, so it probably doesn't ever really have to turn it off) and force you to set two options to play in a window if you have occasion to do so.

In Mac Loathing marker windows, if two markers are identical, trying to make changes to any of them actually modifies the first matching marker (e.g., if you have two "ghast" unit markers on Team 0 with no flags and all netgame types--they have to be 100% identical--trying to edit/delete the second marker definition actually changes the first one). (It's always worked this way and not a big deal, though.)

Mac Fear doesn't allow you to select "Explosive Gas" physics in local physics tags? Unless that was a flatulence joke or something, I guess. ;-)
I wrote:I'm seeing a strange drawing bug with the selection boxes in 1.7 final that's moderately annoying. Frequently, the top line of a character's selection box will extend way out to some point on the screen (how this occurs seems to be related to the viewport or character position and/or orientation).
Just to note, I've actually also seen this with the unit indicators on the minimap (unlike selection boxes, it's always a horizontal line extending to the left when one of the unit dots goes funky; possibly could also occur with the viewport indicator, but that hasn't happened yet). This is extremely rare, however (I've only seen it happen twice now), vs. it happening with a selection box.
Graydon wrote:You're going to be giving Pyro a good run for his money when it comes to bug tester extraordinaire :D
Nah, there's no chance of such a thing. I have time (which presently will be gone) to play around for a bit, and since I already registered, I'm just tossing in some of the stuff I come across. Actually, if it weren't for that funky drawing issue, I would never have registered and wouldn't have bothered with any of these. :(
killerking wrote:I got a bug with my zerks on 'the great library'. I ordered them to run from a fetch, but some of them went on a clump and didn't run. After that I dropped the game. Please fix this annoying bug!
I've noticed that the fetch love to get stuck on the models at the stairs up to the library and just stand there forever until you chase them down, but I don't know if it's new to post-1.3 versions and don't have films yet.
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Re: Myth II 1.7 Final

Post by Pyro »

devSin wrote:In Mac Loathing marker windows, if two markers are identical, trying to make changes to any of them actually modifies the first matching marker (e.g., if you have two "ghast" unit markers on Team 0 with no flags and all netgame types--they have to be 100% identical--trying to edit/delete the second marker definition actually changes the first one). (It's always worked this way and not a big deal, though.)
PC Loathing has the same thing. I just change the team of the first one so I can edit the second one. After that I alter the first back to the team it was on. Though this is only with some of m2's maps I see this. I haven't messed with a 3rd party map that uses more than one of the same marker type for the same team. Or at least I don't recall seeing one like that.
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Re: Myth II 1.7 Final

Post by Graydon »

devSin wrote:(Mac-pimp:) It might be nice if Command-S and Command-O worked as shortcuts to open the game menu (Command-Q already does but might just be an event from the stub application menu) or preferably (if possible) directly open the Save Game or Continue Saved Game dialogs.
These actually all already exist, but they were set up as commands somewhere inside myth, and don't follow the intuitive rules that other apps do.

New Game = cmd N
Multiplayer Game = cmd G
Continue Saved Game = cmd C
View Saved Replays = cmd F
Tutorial = cmd T
Replay Intro = cmd I
Prefs = cmd P
Quit = cmd Q
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Re: Myth II 1.7 Final

Post by devSin »

Pyro wrote:PC Loathing has the same thing. I just change the team of the first one so I can edit the second one. After that I alter the first back to the team it was on. Though this is only with some of m2's maps I see this. I haven't messed with a 3rd party map that uses more than one of the same marker type for the same team. Or at least I don't recall seeing one like that.
Yeah, I temp changed the unit the couple times I ran into this.

The other marker types don't have any attributes beyond the associated tag, but it's actually harder to dupe those because Loathing also considers the marker count IIRC (in the list, tree birch x5 would need another tree birch x5 for them to start fighting; tree birch x4 or tree birch x6 won't cause any problem), so maybe the unit editor can be made to also look at the count of units for determining which are identical (which should pretty much kill any possibility of running into this issue, hopefully without any major changes). But not important at all, I agree.
Graydon wrote:These actually all already exist, but they were set up as commands somewhere inside myth, and don't follow the intuitive rules that other apps do.
Sorry, I was referring to in-map shortcuts to invoke the Game Paused window (or to shortcut directly to the save or load dialogs) for solo games instead of the main menu shortcuts.
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