The seventh god, strange days

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The seventh god, strange days

Post by killerking »

As posted on the mariusnet forums:
im having trouble with the 3rd to last level of the 7th god, Strange Days, the rpg level. ive gotten myself into the castle, but i dont know what to do from there. I may need to release the captive goblin and take something from the elf and the general, but i dont know what. if someone has a video of the level, or just advice, it would be appreciated. thanks
Could anybody help this guy out?
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Re: The seventh god, strange days

Post by Jon God »

IIRC I had an issue with this level too. I don't remember how I finally beat it.
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Re: The seventh god, strange days

Post by Graydon »

I could always get as far as to the point where you have to open the door into the portal room, but i could never figure out how to open that final door. Something to do with the magic lantern post thingers either side of it, but what exactly i'm not sure.

Getting to that point is definitely possible. Walk around alot, talk to lots of people, SAVE OFTEN!!!
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Re: The seventh god, strange days

Post by haravikk »

Doesn't the plugin come with a walkthrough for both RPG levels? They're actually both pretty simple, but figuring out where to go next is a pain. I don't remember how to do them though, just that I managed it eventually.
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Re: The seventh god, strange days

Post by Omicron »

Yes the readme has a walkthrough and here is a film too: ...
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