DO IT>>> :)

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Re: DO IT>>> :)

Post by Myrd »

cimota wrote:Did you all see this, posted in January of this year? ... stcount=26

"Some of these will actually start later in the year or are as I find time doing them (i.e. the Myth Franchise stuff. This is a fan of the franchise pitching his hat in with the bunch doing the Windows/MacOS versions of Classic Myth I&II and Myth III with permission from TakeTwo...)"
Yes - he's clearly in contact with Blades.

I do not believe Blades has any agreement with Take2 despite what this guy thinks.
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Re: DO IT>>> :)

Post by Myrd »

cimota wrote:My interest is seeing it on the iPad platform. I've got some friends in the games industry (just not Take2) so I'm going to tap them to see if they can get us a human. My intent was that if it cannot be produced then something else can be clean-roomed instead. I don't know how much of this interests you but I'll pursue it nonetheless.
I'm definitely interested in any Take2 leads you may dig up. As for a clean-room approach, I'm afraid my day job would prevent me from devoting that much effort - especially since it would be _really_, _really_ difficult to make something that has the same feel as Myth - let alone being exactly the same (i.e. supporting all the plugins and have them work in exactly the same way) - which I'd say would be impossible.
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Re: Frank "Svartalf" Earl porting Myth?

Post by vinylrake »

yep, it's been posted here numerous times.

the person reffered to wants to go back in time and recreate a version of Myth II that is closer to how he remembers Myth 2 playing than any of the updates released in the past 5+ years. (he misses the bugs)

Been there, not interested.

Since the person in question is bound by the same copyright laws, even if the dusty, months-old "announcement" of a vaporware retro Myth 2 version somehow miraculously resulted in an actual playable version of Myth 2, it doesn't change anything in terms of getting the game re-released, or in getting it ported to a per-pay model for iPhones/iPads or similar devices.
Last edited by vinylrake on Sun Apr 04, 2010 2:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: DO IT>>> :)

Post by cimota »

It's the belief of 'permission from Take 2' that I'm interested in.
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Re: DO IT>>> :)

Post by vinylrake »

Myrd wrote:I do not believe Blades has any agreement with Take2 despite what this guy thinks.

he may be referring to the original agreement Take2 made to let the group of Myth fan/developers update/modify the code.
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Re: DO IT>>> :)

Post by Melekor »

We have had this idea of an iphone (and recently ipad) port internally for quite a while, but it's fascinating that it's now spontaneously popping up from the outside. Could that be an early indicator of a great reservoir of pent up demand? ;)

If we could just get the rights situation worked out, I'd definitely be up for working on a port. This has great potential for awesomeness.
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Re: DO IT>>> :)

Post by cimota »

I'll share what I can find out.
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Re: DO IT>>> :)

Post by GodzFire »

And since I e-mailed Cimota, I'm hoping to see if we can make something happen from this.
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Re: DO IT>>> :)

Post by cimota »

Hi guys,

I'm not a developer so I reckon my part in this is a bit vague. In essence, I need some estimate - from the people who would know - what the development effort is in putting together a clone. You guys have done it all - built bits and rebuilt other bits.

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Re: DO IT>>> :)

Post by Deqlyn »

My Thoughts: Why not just make an app where you can blow up stuff with a dwarf (were talking very simple). iPhone apps seem quick and easy, I think that could be a decent place to start. Just my opinion.
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Re: DO IT>>> :)

Post by Melekor »

Hi Cimota,

I think godz contacted you again (and correct me If I'm wrong here godz) to follow up the possibility of you putting us in touch with T2 contacts, not about making a clone. As Myrd said a few posts back, a clone probably isn't realistic for Project Magma to undertake.
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Re: DO IT>>> :)

Post by cimota »

Aha, let me revive that conversation then.

I've been sidetracked in creating a RTT clone
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