Zak's just trying to point out Take2 might be happy to put TFL/Myth II (I suppose we'd ask about TWA while we were at it?) up as abandonware/freeware. The real difference between the two is freeware tends to be distributed by the owner, abandonware's more when they just say "oh do what you bloody like with it, we're not paying attention anymore". The most recent itteration of their website even removed Myth from their list of games.
We'd be asking for something in the middle of the two, really. So the fact Myth, in real-life terms (as opposed to legal, official terms) abandonware, means they might well be happy to do some kind of deal.
Hell, if it got us the Myth rights, we could even consider volunteering other concessions, such as having the Take2 logo slapped on a load of Myth websites and the server lobby (in the corner or something). There's all kinds of things we could attempt to offer to them. Updates could include an HTML document detailing other current Take2 products - pushing Myth back into the "Take 2 family", such as it is.
I'm sure server activity stats showing player spikes during MWC season could be given examples of how this community has successfully maintained the Myth Community when it has made an effort. I remember Blades showed some info on that once, and it was quite obvious how much of an impact MWC had - it was huge. MariusNet must have equivalent figures. Does Magma's site traffic increase much with new patches?
I know I'm throwing a LOT of ideas into the mix in my last few posts, if someone could summarise it more concisely than I have (it's a flaw in my writing, I admit) for people it might make for quite a convincing read, I think. I don't know if it'll work, I really don't know what Take2's thoughts will be, but I really think we should TRY.
Myth For Mythers: