So, like, why isn't there a free Myth?

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shark driving a bus
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Joined: Sat Jun 20, 2009 3:47 pm

Re: So, like, why isn't there a free Myth?

Post by shark driving a bus »

Hey guys, I have a GREAT idea.

So like, take two wants MONEY for the myth series, right? I've heard estimates that they're asking for upwards of ONE MILLION DOLLARS for the series. THATS A LOT OF DOUGH.

So how about we do THIS: We can all start growing and selling weed on the side of our regular jobs and businesses. I know that it's like...not really legal or anything, but if we all do it just a little bit, who's going to notice or do anything about it? It's SMALL FRY BUSINESS.

THEN, we can all POOL the money together and buy the rights for myth. Then we can hand out Myth for FREE! We can even make a mobile myth for tablets and phones, and maybe even a MYTH4. YEAH!
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Re: So, like, why isn't there a free Myth?

Post by Zaknafein »

Obviously you know nothing about the weed game! Only the tycoons make that kind of money.

Now if we all had a fortress of solitude with tons of electricity going to our lights, and we were producing about 60-100 pounds of quality indoor a month, I bet we could make a million in no time. But let us face it, nobody here could move that much weed! The market is flooded, a pound outdoor can go for less than a thousand here in northern california, at least where I live. Medical marijuana ruined the cultivation business! Sure, dealers still charge a ton for an eighth, but they know they can buy their ounces and pounds for cheap. The common smoker doesn't realize this, so they think marijuana is still this valuable drug! Trust me shark driving a bus *cough* dimwitboy *cough*, growing marijuana and attempting to sell it will not get us anywhere close to one million dollars. My suggestion? We find tiger, hold him hostage, demand a ransom, and then we use that money to buy the rights to myth, before his family "security" guards find us and kill us.
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