On 1.7.2---actually since 1.7, I think---there are certain sounds which play in super slow-motion. Maybe 11-MHz, down from 44?
Seems very random. For example, plug-in "X" (third party) runs and works just fine, but a few of the sounds in "X" don't play at the appropriate rate. Not all; just some.
I can list a coupe plug-ins if anyone wants. Or, if this is a known issue and I'm just late to the game (often the case), please let me know if there's a fix?
Melekor wrote:It isn't a known issue as far as I am aware.
Which build of 1.7.2 are you running - windows, mac ppc, mac universal, linux?
Which specific plugins and sounds does it happen with?
IIRC, on older builds *like under 1.6, I think* the sound played differently on different systems, so what would be all warped on one, would sound fine on the other. IIRC, it sounded good on the mac side, but not the PC side. At some point this was fixed, and both versions hear the same thing. Meaning all the plugins that were made on a mac that ran into that issue, would sound weird suddenly.
There is a ww2 coop plugin called Plane Error that has really slow sounds at the start, I cant understand it at all. Im not sure if this is the same problem, and I don't know who made the plugin.
Yeah, as Jon stated, at some point it was discovered that some sounds play differently between Windows and Mac users. So it was made to match with each other. If you take a look at this sound chart, the item with the X on it has a condition to make it sound right. It is the one that sounds wrong if you don't use the stated condition.