*I duely apologize for my furlough... I was arrested and and apparently my response "This is America isnt it?" wasn't a successful defense to countless contrabands lol but now Im back !!!! so ill get right to da nails; I have completed the color map and elevation and shadow etc for my Barbarian Forge map--- but when I select multiple UNITS or SCENERY or MODELS I do not have the tiny drop down list allowing me to select which one to place--- I only can place the first UNIT or SCENERY or MODEL imported.... I am perplexed?? ?? any advice wizards?
What OS are you on? (Windows 7, Mac OSX, etc) What version of Loathing are you using? There used to be an issue on older versions of Loathing where windows would start appearing off screen.
Loathing doesn't have patches so you mean latest version. So that would be 1.7.2. Try this fix. It is a zip with a "reg" file that will edit your registry values for Loathing on Windows.
thank you!!! I will try tanight and see what happens... I've been close to giving up.... btw Barbarian Forge looks beautiful thinking bout modifying a couple units to spice up the gameplay sum... anyway I hope this works so I can get back to work... huge delay to my projects already lol
Imma haveta say XP - unfortunately my work terminal (current terminal and terminal with internet access) is a MAC- while my home terminal w/ MYTH series on it is DELL-XP
Then I don't know why that registry file can't be used. Is your XP comp updated? Right click on "My Computer" and select Properties. In the section that says Windows XP does it say "Service Pack 3" under it? Does the user account you use even have admin rights?
If you go to Start and click on Run, then type "regedit". Hit enter. Does it open up the Registry Editor?