Multiplayer Strategies?

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Re: Multiplayer Strategies?

Post by oogaBooga »

Unfortunately, just like CoD, the "elite" wannabe players usually resort to pattern playing and massive amounts of clicking (m2 is VERY forgiving versus TFL in terms of being able to just out-click yourself out of a shitty situation).

Mostly it's just going to be the same tactics over and over again if its on a dark map, and if its on a light map it's going to be a bit more strategic, units being generally slower than on dark meshes.

Half of the reason I don't play competetively is that there aren't many "regulars" that are good who are any fun to play with. Bad attitude, dumb preconceptions of every other person in the community, etc. But good luck. Just watch a shoutcast and youll see what I mean about the infinite clicking to avoid losing just one single unit (the coward's way seems to be the predominate strategy, nobody ever wants to risk anything unless the odds are 2:1 in their favor, and other dickless strategies).
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Re: Multiplayer Strategies?

Post by adrenaline »

The fact that you don't play competitively (and never really have) basically voids your entire statement. You can't support ANYTHING you said, because you clearly have nothing to base this opinion on.

There are plenty of good players that are fun to play with.

There are many tactics and strategies used on dark maps.

There is nothing cowardly about fast clicking and keeping units alive... dumbest thing I have ever read.

There are TONS of aggressive plays during MWC... of course not EVERYONE is aggressive 100% of the time.. one mistake can result in loss of a game, or even the entire match. There is a time and a place for aggressive and passive tactics... clearly you don't grasp that concept.

You seem to be incredibly jaded, probably because someone called you fat once upon a time. Hey guess what? Everyone deals with that same crap everyday... the difference being that we don't cry about it, or go hide in a corner. I find it hilarious that you complain about dickless strategies, when you are CLEARLY a pussy.
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Re: Multiplayer Strategies?

Post by punkUser »

There are some huge egos in the competitive community, but I don't find it too bad... mostly it's just trash-talk so just let it slide. If you're willing to learn and follow directions, I think you'll find that the majority of players are happy to help.

There's obviously a lot of micro involved in Myth but that's what makes it great IMO. Since there's no bases/unit building that's what ends up being the defining feature of the game. If you watch some of the MWC shoutcasts, NewMutator talks about what's happening and why (more-so for some of the earlier matches in the tournament). Generally in the big 2-team games there's a lot of posturing and jostling for position, then once one team makes a mistake or spots a weakness, all hell breaks loose :) But hey, sometimes they get into it right away and other times a team gets legitimately steam-rolled. The penalties in Myth for screwing up are often quite severe, but that's what gives it a lot of depth frankly. Most RTS games are quite attrition-based and thus it's harder to use small differences in skill to give you a significant advantage.

This is of course because the teams are generally quite balanced and everyone is playing at a fairly high level. At lower skill levels you can get away with a lot more questionable play and come out on top just by out-microing your opponents.
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