GHOST® gone ?

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Re: GHOST® gone ?

Post by juliocpaes »

GodzFire wrote:Models for what

do not be so pessimistic ... do something about it, try to contact them. :?
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Re: GHOST® gone ?

Post by vinylrake »

GodzFire wrote: As much as I hate dragging this up again, it's not right to paint Ghost as the enemy for taking his plugins down. Despite strong objections by multiple people, the change was still implemented and it was only through me practically screaming bloody murder that it was reverted.
Assuming the reason he made his plugins unavailable is because he was unhappy with one of Magma's changes to 1.8:

1. Making his plugins invisible is a petty tantrum-like act. Why? Because it only hurts the community by reducing the number of quality maps available- It DOESN'T HURT MAGMA at all. Magma already has a copy of his maps on their server, even if they hadn't already downloaded it they still have it. He's lashing out at the wrong target, like little kids do when they are angry. (For the record, I think Ghost is a really good mapmaker, I just happen to think this decision is stupid)

2. Thank you so much Godz for saving us all from the horror that would ensued if you hadn't been willing to take such a brave stand and yell and scream and make a public scene about this disasterous change. Seriously, everyone knows how much you hate attention and how humble you are and never like to take credit for anything, so thanks for thinking of the rest of us and acting in such a selfless way.
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Re: GHOST® gone ?

Post by paladin MAIK »

You see, the return of the GHOST® will solve nothing (do not want to offend him again). Myth - the game was created in 1997. The whole problem of the game is to "narrow" playability, ie the player need a large variety of actions on the battlefield. Let's say for example the capture control points, the movement of large groups of troops, the use of artillery on the battlefield ... in this spirit.

Myth AI has little priority, if the enemy had just a little more room (to protect yourself, etc.), the creation of plug-ins it would be more novovedeny.

Also scripting Myth is not the easiest (and other games). Personally, I took a month to learn the first principles of scripts. People (maybe) trying to make something of my own, to master the principle of the "code" myth, but not everyone turns out ... many just can not understand it or they do not have the patience and strength, such as I did not have the strength to master the TES Construction Set (I say for example, as the development of the modifications there was not an easy task and even difficult and uncomfortable).

We just need to have a "code of Myth" (* ie the internal structure of the Myth, ^ scripts, programming, etc. ^) in a more understandable to each form and a slightly larger amount of features ... that, unfortunately, it is virtually impossible for novice modders.

Then a myth could attract more and more people who would be playing in Myth and share with each other their modifications ...
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Re: GHOST® gone ?

Post by Pyro »

GodzFire wrote:As much as I hate dragging this up again, it's not right to paint Ghost as the enemy for taking his plugins down. Despite strong objections by multiple people, the change was still implemented ...
You don't hate it, you seem to live for it. Yet again you spread misinformation. You have been told before that there was more to it than the 1.8 change to sort mapsets. Some people objected towards sorting by map count, yes, but it was not as many as you imply. Strangely, the people that were the most vocal against the sorting change were also the ones that played the least. Well, it is possible they played a lot offline, but that is hard to know for sure.

In fact, the way you went on and on about it made the devs ignore the objection altogether. It could have even been a factor as to why Ghost was so upset at the end without staying long enough to talk about it. All you did was add gasoline to the fire. Each and everyone of the devs tried to reason with him and talk it out right after Ghost said he was leaving, but by then Ghost was ignoring everything and everyone. He was doing what he accused the devs of doing to him.
GodzFire wrote:... and it was only through me practically screaming bloody murder that it was reverted.
It was not reverted because of you, or else it would have been when 1.8 final was first announced (build 422). Nice to see you trying to take credit for something that happened internally between the devs afterwards when a hotfix was needed for a gameplay bug. Way to show your true colors.

When Ghost left, the devs never saw it coming. No one did. Why? Because this whole mess dealt with several factors and internal issues that the people involved didn't even notice them or understand them fully to this day. Case in point, Mel says Ghost left because of that change, but he must have forgotten the other things Ghost said and did. Which in turn is probably one of the reasons why Ghost thinks he was ignored, but that isn't exactly true.
GodzFire wrote:Regardless, the fallout is still severe; Ghost, Khellek, and Ozone all gone from Myth. You can include me in there too if you want, but I know no one cares about that inclusion and probably consider it a positive.
Again wrong. Khellek never left and never cared about the drama. I'm sure he would say so himself if he noticed this thread. Ghost and Ozone had their reasons and it was plural. They were unhappy with other things, but it isn't my place to say anything detailed. Both Ghost and Ozone seem to bottle up a lot of what they felt which made it unlikely that the devs would know that there was a problem to begin with. For a guy that claims is gone from Myth, you sure seem to be here a lot.

The TL;DR version is that there is a lack of proper communication and understanding from one another that resulted in this eventuality. Not just the ones that left but the ones that are still here.

EDIT: I re-read this and noticed I implied Ozone left. He has not.
Last edited by Pyro on Wed Aug 14, 2013 2:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: GHOST® gone ?

Post by punkUser »

Horus wrote:Why is it every time I pop in to see how people are doing on here, there is always some childish drama going on between people who are old enough, and have been around long enough to know better.
Yeah, that's just the Myth community these days. Pop over the Gate of Storms forums if you want more :)
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Re: GHOST® gone ?

Post by vinylrake »

While I don't really participate there (I think I posted once), I would just like to go on record as stating that I am very happy that the gate of storms forums exist.
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Re: GHOST® gone ?

Post by punkUser »

vinylrake wrote:While I don't really participate there (I think I posted once), I would just like to go on record as stating that I am very happy that the gate of storms forums exist.
Yeah the reality is while there's a ton of "noise" it seems people need somewhere to just dump everything they are thinking... better there than here where we need to discuss stuff like finding bugs, etc. Anyways, bit off-topic but just noting that drama is not abnormal :)
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Re: GHOST® gone ?

Post by GodzFire »

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Re: GHOST® gone ?

Post by Melekor »

GodzFire wrote:As much as I hate dragging this up again, it's not right to paint Ghost as the enemy for taking his plugins down. Despite strong objections by multiple people, the change was still implemented and it was only through me practically screaming bloody murder that it was reverted.

It should have never, ever come to that for something as trivial as this. Ghost (I gather) felt that this was his only way to show how upset this situation made him.
So because he was pissed off, GHOST shouldn't be held responsible for taking his plugins down? I'll have to remember that one next time I need an excuse for acting like a little baby.

Btw, If we're re-assigning blame here I think you should take some too. I wouldn't be surprised if GHOST's perception of this situation was skewed by your constant fanning of the flames.
Ghost, Khellek, and Ozone all gone from Myth. You can include me in there too if you want, but I know no one cares about that inclusion and probably consider it a positive.
Oz and Khel left too? I haven't heard about that so I'm going to assume it isn't true.
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Re: GHOST® gone ?

Post by juliocpaes »

GodzFire wrote:Bye
so long, since 1998... If you wanted retire of the Myth, I understand, but could be in a soft way.
discussions or hard jokes, this have in anywhere, job or family, is part of life and of business.
Godz continues yes in the myth-community, even today I use the interface Myth 3 that you did with such dedication. :D
c'mon I do not agree with your "bye" and r.i.p. :o no, no, no.

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Re: GHOST® gone ?

Post by William Wallet »

GodzFire wrote:Models for what
It's a running joke of mine about the unit models.
Okay I got the models but now I'm too dumb to do anything with 'em
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Re: GHOST® gone ?

Post by vinylrake »

I hear Renwood has some models he would probably be willing to sell you.
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Re: GHOST® gone ?

Post by Jon God »


The whole thing was a huge misunderstanding with misinformation and miscommunication all around.

In the end, can we agree on a few things?

• 1.8 is a great update with a load of long awaited features: Coop cutscenes/journals, Motion Interpolation, and loads of fixes.

• GHOST made some of the best plugins for Myth 2, for the coop community.

• We shouldn't be blaming anyone for the mess that was the drama, too much was going on, and everyone was working really hard to just finish the bits they were working on.

If it were up to me, I'd have GHOST back in a heart beat, same with oz. I hope you guys are happy and well wherever you are.
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Re: GHOST® gone ?

Post by vinylrake »

Agreed all around. The community is poorer with fewer creative people making cool things for the rest of us to play.
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Re: GHOST® gone ?

Post by punkUser »

Yeah I don't think anyone is happy with how things turned out.
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