In the Chimera plugin the unit kyrilla has the abiility to teleport around the map. Is this a scripted action or is it part of a proj tag.
I ask because i was trying to make a soulblighter unit that could teleport around via converging and diverging crows. If anyone knows how to do this please let me know.
Well in HoC the players has control of the Teleporting Warlock which requeres several lines of script but If your doing it for a NPC then your in luck. Basically what happens to Warlock is that his secondary attack throws an invisible ball and when it hits the ground it becomes a different ball (with the header nessesary for tele)...The script is in constant look out for this projectile and activates the teleport script once it sees the projectile.
*locs tele mark ini [Geometry Filter]
1.00, 1.00
(type, integer)
Tested Items Inside Location Field Name
Object Type
Results Action Identifier
tele marker dest
Entire Map
Activates on Success
loc tele out
Deactivates On Success
light dead?
*loc tele out [Unit Control]
0.00, 0.00
warlock hero
Use Monster Entrance Flag
Invisible Flag
Activates On Execution
loc move mark
*tele marker dest
*loc move mark [Move Marker]
0.00, 0.00
warlock hero
tele marker dest
Activates On Execution
loc teles in
*loc teles in [Unit Control]
0.00, 0.00
warlock hero
Visible Flag
Use Monster Entrance Flag
Activates On Execution
light dead?
This is made for instant teleport..if you wanted the crow effect I suggest making the time on Teleport in at about 5.0 but you have to remember to make an equel delay to the monsters (is he dead yet?) test of death..other wise game will end if hes last on team.
Lotm is the header that was used for the teleport is the projectile that the script is looking for to activate the tele script.
Well if you have access to HotLine just connect to and look in 1.5Stuff>Plugins>Betas>HoC for B7 otherwise B5 is at