42 flags - for RISK

A forum for discussing map making ideas and problems for the Myth series.
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Post by Thalander »

I want to be able to have 42 flags in territories to make RISK - one for each territory of the board game. Unforunately pre-myth 1.5 one could have only 32 "active" flags on the map at once (32 seem to be randomly picked to be active and the other 10 dont blink on the map and nothing happens when your units get close). I heard that in 1.5 this limit of 32 was to be increased to 96. I first tried just opening the plug i made previously in 1.5 - same problem. Then i used Loathing to delete all the flags (by deleting the thingy labeled "netgame territories flag (42) in the list of different scenery items). I then added 42 new flags, built it (with old version of fear (1.2) - is there a newer version? and then fired up myth 1.5 and… same problem, only 32 flags show up. What do I do? Thanks, Thal
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Post by Myrd »

I just looked at the code in detail, and the maximum number of flags is still 32 in version 1.5.
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William Wallet
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Post by William Wallet »

Don't worry, just cut out Belgium. No one will notice.
Okay I got the models but now I'm too dumb to do anything with 'em
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Post by Brainbug »

HEY HEY HEY, Will, leave us alone or no more waffles and beer for you !!!
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Post by skrew »

actually.... just put 1 flag for all north america and one flag for asia... except japan, they need their own flag.
King kong died for our sins!
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