Error -4994

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Error -4994

Post by ForredisGuidal »

I'm trying to play a game with my friend. We log onto the gate of storms server. I create the match. He tries to join and get a Error -4994. It says there might be a firewall in the way or the game might not be accepting new players. It has a max player count of 16 and the game is open. We both turn off our firewalls to see if that works. Same Error. He creates a game and I try to join. Same Error.
I can't find any help for this anywhere.
Here is a picture my friend took of the error.
Here is a picture my friend took of the error.
photo_2017-12-07_07-52-39.jpg (137.26 KiB) Viewed 2124 times
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Re: Error -4994

Post by Melekor »

Besides configuring your software firewall(s), you might also need to configure your router (port forwarding) in order to run a server. Myth II uses port 3453 by default.

When using 1.8.1 on GoS, you should be able to use the host proxying functionality to host even from behind a firewall. I believe this is supposed to work automatically, but you can manually enable it by typing the command ".proxy on" in the metaserver lobby chat. Note that enabling the proxy will increase the amount of lag in the game.
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