Ok, Da Cid here, co-creator of Freedom II *trumpets*
We used a unit in the campaign, from the plug-in "FeMyth". I asked the creator about it and he said it was fine to use it.
I can't remember "his" name. I think 78i8 GIANT RINGS A BELL (Will interrupting here) of shoes the Idiot Map Making Thingamy shlortskey. Just have to make sure, if he want's his name in the credits.
If it helps, the unit was a woman in a full body of armour.
CELERY STICK, in the Femyth campaign pluging she replaced the heron guard or warrior or something. She had blondish hair, a pony tail affair methinks and a single sword. And a shiny suit of full body of armour (Will interupting)
Yeah anyway, sorry for the spam. But I could be wrong.
Da Cid (: McCl, co-creator of Freedom II */trumpets*