I DLed amber, created a new file. added my bitmap in the right format, the pregame shows up when i try display bitmap. But when i saved and put it in collection and added it to my mesh in fear. It just show the standar bungie pregame in myth.
I read the readme for amber but didnt understand much of it, those three colours was a lil confusing. I wonder if theres something i did wrong there. Could u please tell me the steps u go through to get it right, it cant be a long process.
thank u
Using amber
You probably didn't set the collection to the right type when you had it in Amber. To do this, open the collection in Amber and open the collection info dialogue (hotkey is command 1).
A better tool for creating in Pregames and Overhead maps is Jade. With Jade, all you have to do is drag and drop the proper bitmap onto the application and it automatically creates a tag with all the right settings.
As for the color thing, if you don't want any transparent colors in your pregame, just set the first three colors in the color table to any color that isn't used in your actual image (pure blue, magenta, cyan, whatever).
A better tool for creating in Pregames and Overhead maps is Jade. With Jade, all you have to do is drag and drop the proper bitmap onto the application and it automatically creates a tag with all the right settings.
As for the color thing, if you don't want any transparent colors in your pregame, just set the first three colors in the color table to any color that isn't used in your actual image (pure blue, magenta, cyan, whatever).